Take Me With You: Chapter 5

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"Why'd you take my sweater off?" he sniffledand stared at me with sad eyes.

Has he been crying, too?

"I uh.. I..," I sighed unsure of his to respond," How long have you been here?"

"About half an hour...,"

"Have you been crying the whole time?" I asked slightly worried..

He leaned back into the couch looking down at his lap messing with his fingers," No..... Not the whole time.."

"Calum... I.."

Go to him you idiot.

What so he can dump me?

Would he really be dumping you if he were crying?

He's always been a confusing little shit!

After arguing with myself once more I decided to just sit down next to him and get it over with.

"You can tell me now.. What you have to say before tour starts again,"

"You.. Heard all of that?" His eyes shot open and his mouth parted," Is that why you've bee acting different?"

"Yeah. I did. I don't know what I did wrong, but now that all this happened I ---"

"Hold on, why would you think you did anything wrong from what I said?"

"Seriously Cal?? Are you really playing the innocent card," I shot up off the couch glaring down at him," If you're going to break up with me just get it over with!!"

He mimicked my actions and stood up from the couch. His mouth moved trying to think of words, but now came out.

"What in the actual fuck are you talking about!?!

His words were astonishing. I was taken aback, and my head copied that state of mind, but I didn't buy it.

"Calum I'm tired of games. I don't want to be played anymore. I'm tired of being worthless, and if I mean nothing to you just tell me.."

"Well I figured out what the stupidest thing was today," he chuckled

"I'm serious Cal!!! If you're going to do it. Do it. The faster you do the more time I'll have to heal..."

"If I wasn't in love with you I'd say you're crazy," he laughed," But since I am, your fucking insane."

"Wow. Calling me fucking insane really helps the situation Cal."

"I just told you I'm in love you, and all you get is the "fucking insane" part!?"

He grabbed both sides of my face and pulled me in swiftly. Kissing me deeply and surely. My hands dropped to the sides of my waist in such shock, my eyes were open in the beginning. This wasn't at all what I expected, but I let the fear dissipate. I raised my hands to meet the back of his head before I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught them by grabbing on the the back of my thighs.

"I've missed you... " He mumbled through sloppy kisses.

"I missed you, too."

Take Me With You: Calum Hood ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now