[☁️] Colours Pt.2 [Bakugou x Midoriya]

Start from the beginning

"hey UrarakaaAHHH KACCHAN!! w-w-w-what are you doing here??"

"shut nerd and come with me" Midoriya didn't have a choice as Bakugou dragged him outside of the dorms.

the night was cold making a shiver go up Midoriya's spine.

"w-what is it kacchan?"

Bakugou let out a sigh "today I went to see a professional about soulmates-"

Midoriya panicked for a second thinking bakugou went to ask how to cut their string keeping them soulmates.

"-to ask how to permanently see colours" bakugou finished.

Midoriya let out a small sigh that went unheard by bakugou.

Midoriya already knew a lot about soulmates, including how to permanently see colours.

"the women said I had to kiss you" bakugou mumbled

"that is true kacchan but you-" Bakugou didn't listen to what Midoriya had to say as he grabbed his shirt pulling him into a kiss.

The kiss was short, much to Midoriya's dismay.

when bakugou opened his eyes and shoved Midoriya away to see grey, he became mad.

"what the fuck?! why can't I still see colours?!!"

Midoriya forced his blush to go away as he took a step towards bakugou "kacchan listen to me-"


Bakugou continued to yell threats and curses until midoriya had enough


Bakugou looked at Midoriya with wide eyes.

"the kiss didn't work because.. for it to work, you have to.. l-l-love me back..." Midoriya stuttered out.

"love you huh? that's fucking ridiculous, why would I ever do that"

"I understand you hate me... but kacchan, because you're like this.. your not only stopping yourself from seeing colours, but your stopping me from seeing colours! and I want to be able to see colours more then anything!! I know your not gonna want to do this but... I think we should try hanging out more... so maybe you can develop feelings for m-m-me.." Midoriya mumbled

Bakugou mentally punched himself that he began to consider this.

silence lasted for a while before bakugou finally spoke up "you know what? whatever, I'll try it though I'm certain ill never develop feelings for a nerd like you" bakugou snarled.

Midoriya's eyes brightened and a smile appeared on his face

"wipe that fucking smile off your face" Bakugou growled walking past Midoriya.

"Goodnight Deku..."

Midoriya couldn't help but smile and he whispered back "Goodnight Kacchan"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

the next day ~ after school

"so where should we go today? oh wait I know! lets go to a cat café!!" Uraraka bubbily suggested.

"that sounds like a good idea! oh hey kacchan everything ok-"

"shut up and come with me"

"w-wait kacchan!"

"shut up!"

midoriya threw an apologetic look at his friends as bakugou dragged him, Uraraka and iida just shrugged and began talking.

"so where are we going kacchan?" midoriya finally asked after trailing behind bakugou for a while.

"we're going to a cat café"

midoriyas eyes brightened with excitement

at the cat café

bakugou picked up the cat on his lap and looked into its eyes as it purred gently

his eyes wondered to Midoriya who was surrounded in cats and looked extremely happy.

midoriya noticed bakugou's curious look and flashed a nervous smile.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

weeks had past since the two had started hanging out.

Bakugou still felt nothing towards midoriya and it made him furious, every time they hung out bakugou would be trying to think whether he had falling for the boy but he felt nothing.

the boys were currently hanging out in Midoriya's dorm

"I'm sure its only a matter of time before you feel something towards me kacchan.. feelings cant be rushed-"


Midoriya felt hurt but forced out his words "maybe we should test it.. you never know"

"the fuck do you mean-"

midoriya cut bakugou off by placing his lips against bakugou's.

bakugou forced his eyes shut.

it was weird, compared to their last kiss, this time, bakugou had a strange feeling in his stomach, a feeling that made him kiss back, a fluttery feeling.

Midoriya pulled away to see bakugou with his eyes sealed tightly.

something was different though, something that made midoriya gasp

"kacchan open your eyes!"

"don't wanna"

"please kacchan!!"

reluctantly, bakugou opened his eyes to the green hair and emerald eyes of midoriya.


midoriya smiled "its weird isn't it?"

bakugou only nodded.

"I think you might of been so focused on feeling something for me that you didn't realise the feelings were already there" midoriya stated.


midoriya looked back at bakugou who was just staring at him


bakugou came closer to midoriya before leaning in to which midoriya did too

"shut up deku"

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