Chapter 4

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Death is not the greatest loss in life
The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

My body was shaking badly, I felt my chest constricting, was I breathing? It hurt so bad. I only felt one thing. Pain. Real pain. My body hurt, my heart hurt. I yearned to wake up from this nightmare. Oh but it was true and denying it wouldn't help me. I cried even more, wondering why I hadn't run out of tears. Ya Allah, See me through, I thought .I took my phone with shaky fingers, staring at the text from Abba for the hundredth time, letting the words sink in. This was all impossible to believe. Looking up, the white beautiful design of the Umar's guest room ceiling had always been my favorite thing about the house. Daddy had made it just for me. My own room in his house, considering I was his only girl like he usually said. That had always made Black upset when we were kids, he thought his Dad loved me more than him. One could confuse him as my Dad in Abba's absence. And now, Abba really was absent. I clutched the blanket around me, making it even more damp with my tears.

Black had come that morning. Looking as dashing as always. I had watched him Park his Dad's car at our parking lot and when he got out, he looked straight to my room window when he'd caught me staring. I felt heat all over my face and quickly dropped the blinds. Hurrying over to my bed, I fell on it with my back, laughing at myself. Stupid me!

Some ten minutes later, Abba called for me and I smiled. About time I thought.

".....but honestly he's just acting his age, you can't beat him up. Promise me Hanif." Abba was saying, half laughing

" I really want to believe I won't if I promise you, but I can't guarantee keeping the promise. I'm sorry Abba I can't even promise." Hanif

Abba laughed even harder

" Salamu alaykum" I said feeling left out and then took a sit beside Abba. He pulled me into him. Some weird thing he'd done since forever. I spied a glint of jealousy in Hanif's eyes but it disappeared as soon as it came and I smiled. That boy had no limits.

" Wa alaykumussalam" they both said

"So where are you headed all dolled up? Hanif must be the mastermind." Abba said.

I blushed, sinking my face in his shoulder. This man would never beat about the bush.

" We are just going through town. It's been a while she had some fun." Black quickly put in.

Abba would never stop us. We had practically grown up together. Our parents had enjoyed the idea of us as an item ever since I can remember. There was never an objection to anything and we had always been very responsible. Three years back, they had sat us down, the first time we'd mentioned wanting to go out together and gave us "The talk". The Umar's had been present and it had been the most drilling four hours of all our lives. Fours hours! One can imagine. They covered every topic and made sure we promised to behave ourselves till we got married although I hadn't even thought of marriage then but well, that was that. Thinking about the talk reminded me of Black's mum, I really missed her. She had been the most lovely person to me after my mum.

" Abba can we go now. We wouldn't want to exceed curfew." I said

Then Ummi came in with the cake we'd prepared earlier for Farouk and Salim. How she loved to spoil those boys, especially Farouk.

Black got on his knees greeting her while I collected the cake and set it on the side table.

" Sajdah can barely wait and there seems to be hot coal on Hanif's seat. Abba, let them take their leave." she said and turning to Hanif

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