You Have Me

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You Have Me

I know you're sad,

I know you're unwell.

I know you're in pain,

I know what you have been feeling.

I can see that in your eyes

I know what you have been through

I know how heavy the baggage you are carrying with you

I know you're near to give up

But please, stay

Please remember that I am here

I am and will always be here

I am here to help you.

So please, let me.

Let me help you carry that baggage for you

Let me accompany you to surpass the difficult road you need to walk to.

Let me hold your hand

Just let me take all the worries you have.

You might have felt that no one understands you,

You might have felt that everyone is against you.

But please remember, you have me.

You have me and will always be here.

Willing to understand and be by your side

Willing to hug you tight and kiss you good night.

I am here, willing to listen

My shoulders are always ready to comfort you,

My arms are always ready to hug you,

My hands are always ready to dry your tears,

So please, let me.

Let me remind you always that;

You are not alone.

You can also be happy.

You can also be free from that baggage.

Someone understands you.

Someone is by your side.

Someone will always accept you when everyone else rejects you.

Come to me.

My friend, you have me.

December 2018


Gab Cueza | awkwardnoise_xx

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