Bitter-Sweet Memories

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Bitter-Sweet Memories

I want to call you, and hear your voice

In this midnight, in this hour

I want to feel the same

Feel like I belong to you,

and you to me

I want to cry,

I want to tell you things

I want to share my heartaches to you

But the question is, will you listen?

Will you listen to every word I say?

Or just like them, you'll ignore me?

Will you wipe the tears in my cheeks?

Or like them you'll just let them dry on their own?

Will you hush me from crying?

Or just like them you'll turn your back and walk away?

Nah, I am saying nonsense once again.

Of course, you wouldn't!

How will you dry my tears and wipe it away when I am nothing to you now?

How will you hush me from crying when you're shushing someone else?

How will you listen if your ears are all on to her?

How will I call you when you're calling her?

You are my only home.

I have no one else to run to but you

I have no one else to call but you

I have no one else to cry on but you

I have no one else to hug me tight in a moment like this but you...

But you walked away leaving me wrecked and crushed.

And all I have here is our memories.

Our bitter-sweet memories, my love...

OTS 11:35 PM

November 18, 2017


Gab Cueza | awkwardnoise_xx

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