Chapter 10 - "I-It's my first time too..."

Start from the beginning

"It's something we will both enjoy, maybe more you than me." He says laughing and balancing my body while hugging me.

"What are you laughing at? It's not dirty things, right?" I say splashing him with water. "My boyfriend is a pervert." I started to swim away from him but he grabbed my feet preventing me for swimming away from him. He back hugged me kissing my neck and ears. 

"Baby, you know I'm not a pervert but I can be one for you." He wiggled his eyebrows, but I can't see it though. My back is against his chest. He hands slids down my arms to my waist and he tightens his grip there making me let out a yelp. My face is red, really red and I'm feeling embarassed because the people around us are starting to give us some pissed looks. I turned around to Jungkook burying my face on his chest hidding my blush.

"You are so cute when you blush." He pokes my cheeks and lifts my chin with his hand so I was looking at him. He pecks my cheeks and holds me tight. "I love you Jungkook." I thought.

~Fours days later~

Jungkook and Jimin are well now. They talked things out and Jungkook said Jimin to treat me better. He still didn't tell him we were dating, but I think he knows because the looks he gives me got worst since he talked to Jungkook. My hyungs are really supporting me and are always there to help me whenever I need it. They are the best bestfriends and hyungs someone could ask for and they are only mine. I really love them so much.

Jungkook and I have been spending almost all the time together. I barely see my hyungs now. We have breakfast and sometimes we spend time on the beach and have dinner, but that's it. My attention and time is all in Jungkook and it's the same for him. I know Jin and Yoongi hyung are kind of sad because they wanted to spend more time with me, but I told them that we live in Daegu together and that we will see each other's a lot. I want to spend my time with Jungkook because he lives in Seoul and once this trip is over, it will be difficult for us to see each other. Just thinking about it makes me sad and want to cry. I will miss him so much.

Me and Jungkook had dinner together in the fanciest restaurant around the hotel. I'm speechless at how beautiful that place was. Something I have never seen in my life. It was our first official date and it was perfect. 

It's the second time he held my hand in public while we went to the hotel. He never left my hand and he smiled so brightly at me, making me blush all the way to our room.

"Kookie, I loved our dinner. Thank you so much." I said as I throw myself to my bed. I'm so exausted. Today, me and kookie visited so many amazing places and we walked a lot. He made me walk a lot even though I complained from time to time.

"I loved it too, Taehyungie." He lay down on his bed looking at the ceiling and growling. "My body is tired because of all the walking." He pouts looking at me. We are both on our beds facing each smiling with our teeth showing. My eyes widened as I remembered something.

"Jungkook, you still didn't tell me what is my punishment. You are making me nervous." I say sitting on my bed looking confused at him, when he smirks sitting as well on his bed.

"Well...I have the perfect punishment Tae Tae." He smirks and let's out a small laugh.

"What is it then?" I'm so nervous. 

"You have to do whatever I say, no backing out." He says smirking and wiggling his brows.

"O-Ok kookie. I won't back away."

"Good baby. So your punishment is...let me do whatever I want with you for 5 minutes at least." He says looking at me expecting me to agree with him.

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