Claude, Sebastian, and Ceil One Shot

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Ceil's POV

Ceil really didn't understand the feelings he felt. He was definitely starting to fall head over heels for his butler Sebastian. And then claude came into the picture. He was also gorgeous with his masculinity and broadness. Something about both of them made him giddy. He hated it. Not because I didn't like feeling it. I just didn't want to show it. And that day claude had kissed my foot it made me giddy. So I hid the fact I liked it by kicking him in the face. And then he commented on my strong kick. What the bloody hell. Ceil jumped out of his thoughts when claude came into his room. You didn't knock, ceil stated. Claude smiled devilishly, i'm sorry my young earl. He walked up to ceil pulling off his coat, I couldn't help but hearing you last night dream about me and moaning Sebastian got a tiny bit upset. Ceil raised his eyebrows and didn't know what to say, I-I wasn't dreaming about you. Claude chuckled taking off his shirt. Ceil got chills. His abs looked delicious. Claude started walking towards him. Ceil walked all the way back until he hit his bed. You can't lie ceil, claude said taking ceil's hands and rubbing them over his abs. Ceil felt his penis harden. Ceil couldn't help himself he traced over claude's nipples making them harden. Claude moaned in approval. Claude started yanking of Ceil's coat. I-I shouldn't do this with you y-your a demon, ceil protested. Claude tore off Ceil's shirt making his buttons fly off and hit in different directions. Claude softly caressed Ceil's nipple and started licking it. Ceil moaned happily. A loud and dark chuckle sounded from the doorway. Ceil saw Sebastian and froze. Claude looked in the same direction. Well you think that's good he is a lousy demon watch my moves and watch carefully little demon, Sebastian said to claude and Ceil. Sebastian swung off his coat tail in one soft and elegant stride. Next he unbuttoned his shirt walking slowly and seductively towards them. Ceil was becoming sore. Claude licked his other nipple and started sucking. Ceil knew at his age this was definitely wrong but it felt so right.  Sebastian yanked ceil away from claude and slammed him on the bed tearing his socks off. Sorry master am I aloud to have some fun too, Sebastian said smiling innocently. Ceil nodded. Claude smiled wickedly, so we're sharing this shall be exciting. Claude pulled off his pants, boxers, and socks laying on the bed, do whatever you wish to me young earl. Ceil crawled towards him shakily. Claude winked his eyes blazing a ruby red. Ceil felt his eye patch being taken off. Claude smiled and rubbed Ceil's cheek, so handsome. Ceil felt a hunger inside and licked claude's swollen penis. Claude groaned in excitement. Ceil stroked it lightly and played with the tip of it smiling. He watched as claude wanted more. Oh how good it felt to tease a demon. Ceil gasped as he felt Sebastian stick his finger inside of his rear end. He moaned once Sebastian reached the prostate. Claude whimpered, p-please suck. Ceil smiled, alright as you wish. He throated his whole penis making claude moan loudly. Then Sebastian shoved his penis inside of ceil and started pumping. At first ceil felt pain but then there was pure bliss. Claude grabbed Ceil's blue hair and tugged it down so that ceil would suck at his pace. Ceil loved the feeling of him pulling his hair. Sebastian pumped harder and gripped his nails into Ceil's hips. Ceil pulled his mouth away from claude's penis so he could moan. Claude came on himself and sighed of pleasure. Not long after Sebastian came inside of him. Ceil screamed a moan as Sebastian went past climax which somehow is possible for a demon to do. Ceil then came dripping it on the bed and panted. Then the door open

Why wasn't I invited, alois said.

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