petty little arguments

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"Pink is the best color in the world and thats that!"
"No it isn't purple is!"
What was going on you ask oh yeah Thomas and Angelica had recently bought an apartment together and were trying to find a bed set for their bed. Except they couldn't decide on the color.

"We should just pink because pink is who I am." Angelica said.
"well purple is who I am." Thomas protested.
"I thought macaroni was who you are?" Angelica asked smirking. "Make up your mind."
"Ange we're getting the purple bedspread and that's that!" Thomas yelled.

"You know what it's obvious that we're not going to decide anytime soon so let's do a good old game of rock paper scissors." Angelica said.
Thomas uncrossed his arms.
"Fine then." Thomas said.
Angelica and Thomas sat across from each other on the couch.
"Ok ready set go...rock paper scissors shoot!" Thomas yelled.
"Ha! paper covers rock I win." Angelica said getting up and doing her happy dance.

"That doesn't count...I uh wasn't ready let's go again." Thomas said.
Angelica stopped doing her happy dance and looked at Thomas.
"Boy- you know what fine lets go." Angelica said.
"Ok let's go rock paper scissors shoot." Thomas said.
Angelica got scissors and Thomas got paper.
"let's go again I wasn't ready." Thomas said.
Angelica rolled her eyes.

The cycle continued for 10 more minutes Angelica would win and then Thomas would say he wasn't ready or accuse Angelica of cheating.
"Thomas we played this dumb ass game 40 fucking times! I win get over it!" Angelica yelled.

"No you didn't you cheated." Thomas said stubbornly.
Angelica threw her hands in the air.
"You know what when you're ready to not be a sore loser you can come to get me!" Angelica yelled.

"Where are you going?" Thomas asked.
"In our room with a bedspreadless bed!" Angelica yelled back.
Thomas watched Angelica walk out.
He sighed. Jesus Angelica's temper is really bad.
Thomas walked to the kitchen and got some Kebler cookies and put them on a plate for Angelica. Maybe if he gave Angelica cookies she would forgive him.

Thomas walked inside him and Angelica's bedroom.
"I got cookies." Thomas said.
"Suckup." Angelica muttered as Thomas sat up. She grabbed a cookie.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted and I decided we can get the pink bedspread." Thomas said.
"it's ok and I've been thinking we could get the purple bedspread." Angelica said.

"Nope Angelica I insist we get the pink." Thomas said.
"Nope Thomas its ok I don't care we can get the purple besides seeing the color purple makes you not snore." Angelica said.
"You can get the pink."
"You can get the purple."
"Angelica I really think you should get the pink."
"Thomas get the fucking purple."

Angelica facepalmed.
They were back to wear they were started.
"You know what Thomas you can get the purple bedspread." Angelica said.
"Thanks." Thomas said.
"But I get to paint the walls pink." Angelica added.
Thomas sighed.
"Angelica." He said.
Angelica laughed and gave Thomas a pink.

Hope you guys liked this oneshit *coughs* oops oneshot

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