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"Go ask him." Maria whispered in Angelica's ear as they were at their lockers.
Angelica sigh looking at Thomas Jefferson who was talking to James Madison.
"No....I can't he's going to reject me." Angelica told Maria still staring at Thomas.
Thomas Jefferson was one of the most popular kids in school he had an amazing singing voice landing him the male role in the recent school musical, he was captain of the football team and the debate club, and was president of student council- there was no way he was going to accept her invitation to going with her to prom.
"No he's not." Maria said grabbing her brush and brushing her thick curls.
"Yes he is." Angelica said back turning her head to Maria.
"Give me one reason why and I won't keep pressuring you." Maria told Angelica.
"I can't go to prom with Thomas because he's uh he's Thomas that's why." Angelica explained to Maria and Maria crossed her arm.
"That's not a good reason." Maria said and now Angelica crossed her arms.
"You don't even have a date what are you worried about me for?" Angelica asked.
"Yes I do I'm going with your sister Eliza remember?" Maria answered.
Oh yeah.
"Great you have a date want a cookie for that?" Angelica asked Maria sarcastically and Maria nodded.
"Yeah I do." Maria answered and Angelica rolled her eyes.
Suddenly Maria was grabbing Angelica's hand and was pulling her over to where Thomas and James were talking.
"Maria I'm going to kick your ass stop it." Angelica said through gritted teeth.
"You love me to much to do that." Maria reminded Angelica.
"Fuck you." Angelica said.
"When?" Maria answered. (You get it??????)
Before she knew it they were inches away from Thomas.
"Yo Thomas." Maria said and Thomas turned around.
Angelica stared at his curls admiring them only if she had curly hair like that.
"Yeah?" Thomas said his eyes glued to Angelica.
Damn she's hot.
"My friend has to talk to you." Maria answered walking away Angelica glared at her angrily.
"Uh I'll see you around Thomas." James said shutting his locker and walking down the hall.
"Uh hi." Angelica said softly.
"Hi." Thomas said.
There was a awkward silence between the two.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Thomas asked and Angelica looked up from the ground.
"About prom." She said then whispered softly to herself. "And How I wanted to ask you."
"What was that?"
"Oh I said-" Angelica tried to think of a excuse. "Are you on the prom committee this year?" Angelica asked.
Thomas shook his head.
"Nah too much work." Thomas told Angelica.
Angelica nodded biting her lip some to look sexy.
"Uh you have lipstick on your teeth." Thomas said and Angelica blushed embarrassingly.
"Shit." She said.
Thomas dug into his bookbag and handed Angelica a tissue.
"Here you go for your uh teeth." He said awkwardly.
When Angelica was done wiping her teeth Thomas stared at her again admiring her pretty eyes and long eyelashes and the way she blushed when she was embarrassed or flustered.
"What did you have to ask me?" Thomas asked and Angelica took a deep breath.
"Thomas do you have a date to the prom?" Angelica asked and Thomas shook his head. On the outside he was calm on the inside he was excited.
Is going to ask me to prom? I've been waiting for this moment. Calm down tommy calm down.
"No." I answered nonchalantly.
"Would you like to be my date to the prom?" Angelica asked and Thomas smiled and nodded,
"Of course." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled and gave Thomas a hug.
The 2 walked to math class together holding hands.
When Maria saw them she squealed.
"Eliza owes me $10.00 thomgelica is a thing." Maria muttered to herself and she walked to history class.

My friend told me not to be Mimi (from rent) for Halloween because she's unknown tf do you mean she's unknown. I can't with these non-Broadway people.

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