Giving birth

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"Angelica you need to stop watching lifetime movies."'
"Don't tell me what to do curly sue." Angelica said to Thomas as she ate her toaster strudel.
Angelica was 9 months pregnant and was due to give birth to a baby girl any day now.
Who knew that day was going to be today.

About ten minutes later Angelica felt a unbearable pain and she felt wet.
For a minute she thought she was on her period. Then she remembered she was pregnant and suddenly realized what was going on.
Angelica let out a blood curdling scream as she felt another contraction.

"Angelica what's wrong?" Thomas asked calmly.
"My." Angelica took a deep breathe. "My water broke." Angelica answered.
Thomas's eyes went wide. He was going to be a father. He was going to be a father.
"I can't believe this day has come Angelica aren't you excited?" Thomas asked looking at Angelica who's eyes were shut.
"Do I look excited you poofy haired bitch?!" Angelica yelled annoyed.
Suddenly Thomas was panicked he didn't know what to do his wife was in pain and screaming at him to do something.

"This is all you fault Thomas!" Angelica yelled. "Buy protection next time!"
Thomas wet a washcloth and put it on her head and started up the car. He helped Angelica get up and set her up in the backseat so that she was propped up against the window.
"Thomas if you don't drive this fucking car-" Angelica was cut off by screaming.
Thomas winced at angelica's scream and silently thanked God that he was a boy and that he didn't have the ability to have babies.
Basically the whole ride was Angelica cursing at him or yelling about how bad she was going to kick his ass when this was all over.
When they reached the hospital Thomas told the nurse that Angelica was in labor and they took her to a hospital room.

Meanwhile Thomas sat in the waiting room afraid for his wife. He had went with her to those Lamaze classes where they talked about how you could die giving birth or even worse your baby could die. Thomas didn't think it was going to happen to Angelica though she ate healthy while she was pregnant (except those cravings for Chinese takeout and chocolate) but overall she ate healthy.
Thomas pulled out his phone texting Eliza and Peggy that their sister was in labor. In about 20 minutes they came running to him when they saw him in the waiting room.

"Is she ready to give birth?" Eliza asked.
"How far apart were her contractions?" Peggy asked.
"Is she ok?" Eliza asked.
"I honestly don't know they told me that when Angelica was ready to give birth they'll tell me so that I can get dressed in my scrubs and go to the delivery room." Thomas asked. "And am I supposed to know how far apart her contractions were because I honestly don't know." Thomas told Eliza and Peggy.
"So are you excited to be a father?" Eliza asked.
"Kind of it's just that Angelica and I didn't expect this to happen we're only 21." Thomas confessed looking down. "I'm just scared that I'm to young to be a good father."

Peggy punched him the arm really hard causing his to jerk up.
"What was that for Peggy?" Thomas asked.
"Sorry tommy but you were talking too much shit about yourself." Peggy told Thomas rubbing where she punched his arm. "You are going to be a great father Thomas I know it Eliza knows it and Angelica knows it even if she is screaming that you're a bitch."
Thomas smiled Peggy always knew how to bring the light in a dark situation.
A nurse came over to the trio and smiled at them.
"Angelica just gave birth to a healthy baby girl she is no accepting visitors one at a time please." The nurse told him.
The butterflies in Thomas's stomach went away and a wave of excitement washed over him he was going to meet his daughter.

So Thomas walked to the delivery room she was at and opened the door. Angelica was there holding the small child.
"Was giving birth that bad?" Thomas joked teasingly.
"Yes but it's all worth it now that she's here." Angelica said smiling.
Thomas looked at his soon to be wife. Her forehead was sweaty and her hair was in 2 messy buns but she still managed to look attractive.
"What are we going to name her we still don't have a name?" Thomas asked sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
"Lele." Angelica answered.
"Angelica no we are not naming our kid after some you tuber." Thomas told Angelica.
"Did you just give birth Thomas I think I did I think I deserve to name the kid." Angelica said to Thomas and Thomas rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He huffed and Angelica handed him Lele.
Thomas smiled at his daughter. Her eyes were a light green color and very beautiful. Lele gave Thomas a soft smile.
"Welcome to the world Lele." Thomas said kissing Lele's forehead.
Peggy was right Thomas was going to be a good dad.

Alright I'm sorry but I fucking love lelepons but not as much as I love thomgelica.

*edit 09/21/18* I don't fucking like lelepons anymore so if you're reading this book and read all that shit up top about how I love lelepons dont mind that I was very dumb back then thanks and enjoy your day

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