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Angelica paced around her room waiting for Maria to come. It was a month since she had sex with Thomas and it was 2 weeks since she was supposed to start her period.

What's so wrong about that? You may ask. Well.....Angelica was throwing up, yelling and screaming at everybody and craving pickles.
So maybe she's just stressed. You may stressed. But wait a minute....Who eats pickles when they're stressed.

So Angelica was scared. "Why didn't we use protection?" Angelica asked then facepalmed. "Oh wait we were drunk."
Angelica's heart was pounding she was praying she wasn't pregnant and was just pmsing or something like that.

Besides if Angelica was pregnant she was throwing her life away she was only 16. If Angelica got pregnant she wouldn't be able to go to college or become a doctor like she always wanted to all of that would have to wait. Because she was too drunk enough to use a condomn.
"Maria where are you?" Angelica asked and after another 5 minutes of anxiously waiting she heard a knock at her door.

Angelica slowly opened it to see Maria holding a Walgreen's bag. Angelica grabbed her inside of her room and grabbed the bag.
"Let's get to business." Angelica said anxiously.
"Alright Angelica." Maria said as she reached into the bag and pulled the pregnancy test out.
"Alright here's 2 pregnancy tests. You pee on them we wait ten minutes and if you're pregnant you're pregnant." Maria said and Angelica sighed and grabbed the pregnancy tests and did what she had to do.

When she got back from peeing on the pregnancy tests she sat on her bed. Clearly upset.
"Hey. Maybe you're not pregnant I mean just because you're throwing up and missed you're period doesn't mean anything." Maria told angelica and Angelica rolled her eyes.
"What does it mean then?" She asked.
Maria paused trying to think of something.
"Exactly." Angelica said.
Finally the ten minutes passed and Angelica felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Go get the pregnancy test Maria I'm too scared." Angelica said and Maria nodded.
When she got back with the tests Angelica almost passed out.
"What am I going to tell Thomas."

Ohhhhhhhhh shit

Thomgelica oneshots  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz