9. Post Phantom Planet

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The meteorite passed through the planet at inhuman speed as all the ghosts tried their absolute hardest. When the danger had passed, they nearly fell out of the air, if it weren't for the portal. Some last words were exchanged before the ghosts left to be in their homeworld... All except one. The white haired boy stood in the middle of the crowd as his sister and two friends told him it was okay, and they knew.

But truth to be told, they didn't.

Jack and Maddie Fenton still had no idea that their son was standing of front of them. Instead, they just looked at him with teary eyes, thinking their son had just died on impact in the Speeder. All the Hybrid got from them, was some sort of new found respect, but that was because he just saved Planet Earth. Not understanding what was happening, they just looked at the teen in front of them.

Jazz gave him a nod but he didn't budge. He shook his head, gave a sad smile to his sister and friends, and vanished.

As soon as he disappeared, Jack ran for the Speeder. Despite knowing his son could never survive the impact, he was desperate to find his boy. Maddie soon joined him, but was less frantic while the debris out of the way. He just had to be there...

But he wasn't.

Maddie wept in Jack's arms as she realized her baby boy was not coming back, presumably having gotten buried by snow and rocks. So when the raven haired suddenly got tackled by his friends and sister in front of Maddie, she nearly had a stroke.

She couldn't believe it.

Her baby boy was alive.

He survived.

She scrambled out of Jack's arms, who had no idea what was going on, and snatched him out of Sam's hold. She hugged him tight to herself as she cried, sobbed and stammered. He just hugged her back and smiled. The two of them sat for a few seconds before Jack raced to them, too. Not long after, Jazz decided to join the family hug.

Maddie's eyes were stained with tears as she said, "Oh, Danny..."


Danny walked over to the front door and knocked. The door was opened by a maid, who greeted him and told him to go upstairs. He gave her a polite smile and excused himself before ascending the stairs. Knocking on the last door on the right, he fiddled with his fingers. This would be the first time he saw her since... the Disasteroid.

Sam hastily opened the door and let out a laugh as she saw Danny standing in front of her. He gave a small awkward wave and Sam opened the door further, gesturing for him to come in. She closed the door behind her as she smiled at her friend. "So, you didn't tell them."

Danny plopped down in a beanbag and sighed. "No, I couldn't..."

"Hey I don't blame you." Sam walked over to the bag and sat on the desk chair besides him. "I don't think I would've done that, too."

Danny let his head fall into his palms as he groaned. "But that would've been so epic." Sam rolled her eyes. "I mean, what better moment to tell than that? I just saved the world, they thought I'm dead and then I say 'Lol, wassup is me," that would... ugh." He let himself fall to the side. Now facing Sam, he asked, "Did I save the world?"

Sam had a thoughtful look on her face as she moved to sit besides Danny in the bean bag, "Hmm, let's see... You made peace with ghosts, stopped a meteor from striking and sent Vlad away. You did great."

Danny rolled around and looked at Sam with hopeful puppy eyes. "I did?"

Sam had a playful smirk on her face and ruffled his hair. "Of course you did."

Only then she realized what she was doing. She immediately pulled her hand back and stared at Danny with wide and fearsome eyes. "Oh my God..." she mumbled.

"Hey, what's going on?" Danny, being oblivious, asked.

"I... I-um... I need some a-air. Yeah, air's good..." she slurred a bit.

Danny sat up and looked at Sam with worry. "Are you alright? Should I get a maid or..."

"No! No maid. I'll be f-fine. Just, uh... gimme a sec, yeah, a sec. That should -um- do it."

Danny realized what was happening and before anyone could protest, he transformed, grabbed Sam bridal-style and flew through the window.

Sam struggled in his hold, desperately wanting to break free. She hit his chest and cried for him to turn back, but Danny didn't look at her and just flew faster. Sam's hits weakened and her crying lessened, leaving her sobbing and clinging to Danny. "I'm so, so sorry..." she sniffled.

Danny slowed down and smiled at Sam, who was looking at her knees. "It's okay. I'm glad it worked. Don't stress about it."

Sam then took the time to look everywhere besides the boy holding her up in the air and admired the view. They flew over City Hall, towards the outer park of town. After a few minutes, they touched down at a lone tree on top of a hill. Their invisibility dropped and Sam let go of Danny. "Thanks again."

Danny gestured to the tree and sat down. He patted the ground besides him and smiled. "Come sit."


"Pookie! What are you doing! Get back here!" Dash angrily chased his chihuahua as it ran from his owner, fleeing away from the path as if its life depended on it.

Dash huffed as his sprint broke into a jog. "Stupid dog..."

They left cover of the trees, but Dash stood very still as he looked at... the scene in front of him.

He had never know there was a tree standing there, but that was not his main concern. No, his main concern was what going on under the tree. He snatched his dog from the ground and slowly crept away, back into the trees, and ran.

Dash smirked as he ran down the hill. 'Wait till I tell the rest about this...'



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