2. Solo-Mission, Agent Blue

834 32 17

Suggested by mintyjazz


"Welcome, Agent Blue."

"Ecto-activity detected."

"Weapons online."

"Initiate tracing program."

"Start pursuit as Solo-Mission?"

The green "YES" and "NO" buttons blinked at Maddie. Her 2:30 A.M. eyes found the flickering lights quite annoying. The rest of the equipment also whirred to life as she put the key into the ignition.

Maddie sighed. Maybe she should have brought Jack along...

After her modified pager had alerted her of the sudden spike in ecto-activity, she had left her bed with Jack in it to check it out. She had put on her suit and sneaked out of the house to climb into the 'car'.

However, now that she looked at the scanning-results saw just how high the spike had been, she started to doubt. This was no job for one person. An 8 on the Ecto-Scale meant serious trouble.

But it also could have been a glitch in the software, and mean nothing. And an 8 was quite unusual. That would mean that someone along the lines of Pariah Dark would be near the park...

Maddie started the car and drove onto the street. After going around a corner, she turned on the light and set course for Amity Central Park.


A green flash of energy shot up into the sky, its source being in the middle of the park. Even from a few blocks away, Maddie had to squeeze her eyes shut to avoid getting blinded by the light. It died down within seconds, but the green smoke that was still there proved something had been there.

Maddie slammed down on the gas, speeding up to way over the limit. She came to a screeching halt just before the closed gates and immediately unbuckled herself. She grabbed a baton and a thermos on her way to the door. Clicking them to her belt, she pressed the button on the wall that opened the door. She stepped out and took a 30 feet distance from the gate.

Taking a deep breath, she looked down and up again before running at full speed towards the barrier.

She agilely climbed over the black spikes and landed with a soft thud on the other side. Flipping her hair over her shoulders, she casually went deeper into the park, leaving the safety of the street lights.

As it got darker, she put on her goggles and activated Night Vision. She grabbed the baton from her belt and extended it, making softly glowing green parts visible. Now sneaking through the trees and bushes, she looked at her pager, which now displayed a map.

'Only 100 feet...'

Maddie put away her pager and baton and stealth-walked further until she reached the end of the group of trees. Crouching down behind the bushes, she looked over the patch of gras she was now facing.


Maddie frowned. 'But the map sai—'

Something slammed into the ground.

Maddie managed to avoid screaming out of surprise and mentally scolded herself for not looking better. The dust that had been blown up by the impact cleared out to reveal none other than...

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