Chapter 09 - The Golden Bridge

Start from the beginning

Gina was a cute little gnome with a strong character, passionate for alchemy and inventions. "As every good gnome should be", according to her own words. Her lifelong wish was to find a lasting cure for the Lepper Gnome disease, but she lacked the influence or the funds to embark on such endeavor.

She didn't seem to like the only High Elf of the group, with his bright blue eyes and his harmonious lute. Darandir had been traveling the world in search for new adventures and songs since before the First War. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he thought that the world had become a sadder, darker place and wanted to do something to change this. His voice was truly a wonder, and his music was a delight for the ears.

Finally, a researcher by the name of Laehlas had joined the group altogether with a night elven Sentinel called Alissea, who was his trusted friend and bodyguard. The man was a Kirin Tor Mage, and honestly quite a scholar, having dedicated his life to the study of magic and history. He had been present at the first assault to Naxxramas, but after that he had decided to abandon the battlefields to research new discoveries to improve the lives of the azerothian people. The night elf, however, was reluctant to join the group of Ambassadors.

"I join only because of Laehlas", she had stated when she had been introduced to the others. "I know that none of you took part in the War of Thorns. I know you didn't burn Teldrassil... But if anything happens to Laehlas, I will kill you."

In spite her harsh words, the Mage promised Alissea had a great heart and would be of great help.

Argheros had expected more support from Hearthglen, but the Argent Crusade had pitched in with useful supplies and equipment. Craos was a little bit upset with Drahna for this, because it seemed she had put a lot of pressure to get said supplies. In the draenei's own words, she "had forced" their brothers and sisters to collaborate with the Embassy effort.

The Forsaken Warrior Drusila had also returned to Ratchet with an outstanding surprise. She had brought with her not only the Blood Elven sisters Anastriana and Eidil, but a small undead pirate ship commanded by a crazy individual called Osmond. This man and his crew seemed thrilled with their unlife, as it allowed them to "party and plunder all the time, without feeling the weariness of the living". Their ship had no name, as Osmond changed it every week. That way it was "more fun", according to him. He owed Drusila a couple of favors, and his ship was more than useful for the project.

The Forsaken Warrior herself was a former Lordaeron Knight, and she was furious with what had happened at the Undercity. She had sworn she would return the old city back to her people, but she had also understood that shedding more blood was useless. Drusila wasn't quite fond of using the Plague, and at the same time she didn't trust Calia Menethil, the supposed rightful heir of Lordaeron.

Anastriana, in the other hand was quite familiar to Argheros, since they had fought together under the banner of the Silver Hand. She didn't talk much, but Irondawn had seen few other Paladins master the shield and the protective ways of the Light like her. Some called her the "Ruby Bulwark" because of her fiery ginger hair, but she hated that tittle. Her sister, Eidil, was a member of the Farstriders and a remarkable marksman. A silver dragonhawk followed her everywhere, and the elven archer was used to mount her companion when she charged into battle.

Hollowheart and Goldsprout had also returned from their journey to the north, and they had brought a draenei priestess with them that had left Irondawn speechless. She had a pure and soothing aura, her eyes and her smile were unbelievably warm and her words could bring peace to the most troubled heart. Her name was Veelah, and Argheros felt the Light's unmistakeable blessing within her.

Goldsprout had also brought his young apprentice, Thalanyr, who was training to become a Druid of the Leaf. For the surprise of all of them, it had been Thalanyr herself the one who had come up with the idea to build a bridge to reconnect the Golden Road. Goldsprout was quite a demanding and strict tutor, but he trusted the young woman and had done everything within his power for everyone to listen to her. Argheros had realized that the night elf Druid had a great heart in spite of his usual severeness.

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