Chapter 05 - The Plan

Start from the beginning

"Fine, I'll discuss the fee directly with Gazlowee", Wolfeye answered, referring to the famous goblin Tinker that governed over Ratchet.

"You can't do that...", the guard said, then turned to face his comrade. "He can't do that, right?"

"How am I supposed to know!"

The Shaman invited his companions to continue their walk, amused by the goblins' discussion. He was well known at Ratchet, since he and his brothers were used to going there for supplies whenever they weren't on the frontline, and he could pull some strings to get an audience with Gazlowee if he would need it.

As they walked towards the docks and left the guards behind, he saw Naurosh waiting for them, escorted by one of his wolves, Winter. Next to them was Dunris' own worg, Kelvar, who had been with him loyally for years. The beast was sitting quietly and peacefully, waiting for his orc companion to join him. Every member of the Frostwolf clan who boasted of being one, bonded with a wolf just as tradition indicated.

"Took you long enough", his brother said when he was near. "And I see you managed to convince these guys to join us", he added trying to sound cold, but both Winter and Kelvar came near the humans, sniffing around and friendly swinging their tails. "Winter, no, come here... damn it, beast."

"Wolves understand each other, Wildsoul", Razorhowl said with a big smile, referring to Dunris' brother by the name he had earned for himself.

Long time ago, Naurosh had fought with Thrall's New Horde to free the orcs from the Internment Camps. When they were about to assault the one at Lordamere and the jailors began executing the prisoners, a young Wolfeye managed to escape thanks to their mother and Kelvar. He disappeared into the wilderness only to be followed by a group of knights. Naurosh arrived just in time to listen to Otka's final words, and followed his brother's trail to Silverpine Forest. There, in front of a couple of Horde veterans, he commanded several wild beasts to fight for him out of pure instinct. After the humans were defeated and Dunris was rescued, the other Warriors started calling him "Wildsoul" for his outstanding feat of strength and his undeniable bond with nature.

"Any luck?", the Shaman asked as he bumped shoulders with his brother. Then he turned to stroke Kelvar. "How're you doing, old friend?", the wolf answered by softly biting the orc's arms.

"Come see for yourselves", Wildsoul answered trying to sound mysterious.

Wolfeye and his human companions followed him as they headed towards the Broken Keel tavern. He could hear that there was more noise than usual coming from the inn, and the sound of laughter reached his ears. When he went inside, he recognized many familiar faces smiling at him.

"Well, well, if it isn't the worst Shaman ever", a goblin dressed with a black, white and gold robe uttered.

"It's nice to see you too, Ishgo", the orc answered laughing. "It's so great to see you all here. Wiley, is there a drink for the four of us?"

"You don't need to ask, pal", the innkeeper answered, pouring ale from a keg into some big wooden mugs.

Many of his most loyal friends and followers were crowding the tavern, drinking ale and chit chatting. Some of them had fought side by side with Dunris before; he owed his life to them, and they owed their lives to him. He felt honored - and relieved - that so many had answered the call.

Few knew that Ishgo was in fact called Ishigormu, a bronze dragon that had helped Wolfeye countless times. The creature always shapeshifted as a goblin, since he found that race incredibly amusing.

He looked around the room and he saw Gabeh Primalhoof, a tauren Druid he had met during the assault on Icecrown Citadel. He had mentored Orato Moltenhorns, who was also there, in the Path of the Sun. Orato had been friends with the three brothers since their very arrival at Kalimdor. He used to be a proud Warrior of the Runetotem Tribe, and now he was a brave Sunwalker thanks to Gabeh's guidance.

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