Chapter 5 - I want her ✔

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"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" She asks in a barely audible whisper. And I stopped my pacing and faced her, only to regret how I acted instantly, after seeing how scared she really is of me. Mierda! (Shit)

"I'm Stephano Romano, the owner of this club principessa" (princess) I say to her in a calm soothing voice or atleast I'm trying for it to sound that way, so she wouldn't be afraid of me but by the looks of it, it's not working.

"Why am I here? What do you want from me?" She says louder this time, now I can hear how she's slurring her words which means she's shit faced. Great just what I needed, I say mentally rolling my eyes at her.

"I brought you here because your drink and the men out there will take advantage of you" I said trying to keep calm myself but just the thought of it, is making my blood boil all over again. "Did you not see how that dick was rubbing himself all over you, are you that stupid to allow a stranger to get off on you on the dance floor, MIO DIO! (My god) I don't even want to think what would have happened if I didn't drag you away from him, you can't even stand still, FUCK! Ho voglia Di uccidere in figlio Di puttana" I shout at her with all my anger. (I feel like killing a motherfucker)

She doesn't say anything, she's just standing there staring at me but atleast she doesn't look that scared of me anymore, that's a good thing. I grab my phone from my back pocket to call up Dante to let him know that he must keep an eye on things as I'm taking off for the night, and that he shouldn't bother me with anything. He should handle whatever comes up as I trust my brother with my life, his after all my second in command and he can just give me updates tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure I'll be sleeping in tomorrow.

After giving Dante instructions on what will need his attention tonight, I hang up the phone, grab her by her hand gently as I don't want to scare her again and opened the door to my private room, before leaving I lock the door with the code and finger print and dragged her out of the club through my secret exit and lead her to my car. I opened the passenger side for her to climb in, Then I proceeded to the drivers side and got in, after buckling us both, I started the ignition and start my Ferrari with a roar. And I sped away.

"Where are you taking me" she asks after a few minutes of silence.

I turn to her before answer and I see she's already watching me so intently and when she sees I caught her staring, she blushes and looks away, man she's hot."I'm taking you home, don't worry your safe with me Tesoro." (Sweetheart) For now atleast, I thought but obviously didn't say it.

After that she didn't utter another word, she just sat there mute staring out the window. Well atleast she's not freaking out which I guess is a good sign, maybe she's not afraid of me after all or maybe it's just the alcohol. But whichever it is, I'm glad she's not throwing a bitch fit, I'm not in the mood for a nagging bitch at the moment. I've had enough for the day.

As soon as we pull up to one of my homes here the City, practically the smallest one I own, it's like she just jumped out of her day dream or something and didn't realize she's not at her home, whereever that might be because she's looking frantically around, looking like a lost little puppy. While I signal the guards to open up the gates and drive through, making my way up my driveway an stopping infront of the door.

Getting out of the car I make my way to her side and opened the door for her, taking her hand as she's not even making a move to get out as I'm not a very patient man, I pull her out of the car being careful not to hurt her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Getting out of the car I make my way to her side and opened the door for her, taking her hand as she's not even making a move to get out as I'm not a very patient man, I pull her out of the car being careful not to hurt her. She pulls her hand away from me like I'm going to attack her or something and move away from me.

"Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here? What are going to do with me? What do you want from me? This isn't my house, you said you taking me home, I don't live here." She bombarded me with hundreds of questions and ramble all of that in one damn breath, giving me a damn headache.

"Slow down and breath okay Caro (darling), first off I don't know where you live and second, I don't want anything from you or atleast nothing you wouldn't like, thirdly, I'm not going to do anything to you, that is unless you want me to and lastly, I already told you my name is Stephano Romano the one and only, and I won't bite not hard atleast, like I said before, you're safe with me Amore" (love) I tell her just to calm her ass down but by the looks of it, she's pretty calm infact she looks flustered. Maledire... (Damn)


Well guys there you have chapter 5 Stephano's Pov the longest chapter I wrote so far, I hope you guys enjoyed it and know there are plenty more of him to come. I'll even switch POV's in chapters, anyways please do comment and vote.



Cheated Then Knocked Up By Romano حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن