Chapter Eighteen

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(quick recap) "Darling, can I not speak reason into you?" He(Matthew) asks.

        "No, this has been a long time coming. Nothing will stop it." Millie charges as a warrior cry brakes through her mouth.

        Matthew grips her wrist of the arm that she holds the stake with and twists. "I will kill you Millie if you don't stop this." He voice becomes deep and rumbling. "If you stop now, I will be merciful."

                                                (¯’·.¸¸.-> °º º° <-.¸¸.·'¯)

        Millie twists around so Matthew's arm is over her shoulder. She grabs her wrist and Matthew's hand and throws him over her shoulder. Matthew lands flat on his back with his head by her feet. The wind is knocked out of him, but, being a vampire, he doesn't need to breath.

        Matthew's arm slings out at lightning speed and causes Millie to fall on her back. Matthew snaps himself up and over Millie. His arm starts to thrust down the stake to her heart. The stars in Millie's eyes from the fall begin to dissipate and she sees the stake just in time to roll out of the way.

        Millie pops up and faces a fuming Matthew. She lands a solid punch to his cheek causing him to stumble back a little. She whips out her stake, but Matthew twists his chest out of the way. Still, Millie is able to scratch his bicep. 

        "You will pay for that you bitch!" Matthew roars as he charges her.

        Millie round house kicks him in the head. Matthew drops. Millie leans over him ready to plunge her stake into his chest when he pulls back and drives both feet at Millie's chest and stomach.

        A sucking crack breaks through the air as some of Millie's ribs break with the force of the kick. She is sent flying back and lands in a crumpled mess ten feet away from Matthew. As she tries to stand, Matthew climbs on top of her, his stake over head.

        Time for a cheap shot. Millie thinks to herself. She pulls her foot to her chest and digs the heel of her shoe into his... man berries. He roars and releases her. She smashes him into the ground and pulls back to strike. He recovers and his fist connects with Millie's jaw. Her vision goes black for a second. When she can see again, she sees Matthew's hands wrapped around her throat while he lays on top of her. His stake is in his hand, but is out of sight. Her hands are trapped at her sides by his legs.

        Matthew's grip is so tight, that she can't breathe and she can feel her skin stretching. A weak croak of pain escapes from her lips.

        "I should just pop your head of right now." Matthew growls.

        Millie clenches her jaw and squeezes her eyes, but, nevertheless, a tear streaks down her cheek.

        When Matthew sees the tear, he laugh bitterly. "Haha! Are we scared now, whore!"

        "Not in the slightest." Millie manages to whisper out. She wiggles her hand free and bring it to one of Matthews wrists and squeezes with everything she has. Soon, she feels his bones snap and his muscles squish. He grits his teeth and a hiss of pain leaves his mouth. The grip on her throat releases just enough for her to pull herself out of his grip.

        Air rushes into her mouth and she coughs and blood comes out. She wipes her mouth and takes a defensive stance. Matthew pulls himself up and grabs his stake. He charges Millie to quickly for her to dodge. His fist slams into her nose, braking it. 

        Blood flows from her nose like a fountain and her right cheek is cut up and busted from the impact. She falls back like a back of rocks and Matthew is once again on top of my. He sits on her hips and pulls her hand so they are trapped by his legs.

        An evil grin spreads across his face. "Well, Millie. It looks like this fight has come to an end." He slowly raises his stake to her heart. Millie thrashes like a mad man having a seizure, but Matthew his rooted to her. The tip of the stake touches her chest, but doesn't piers the skin. "Don't worry Millie," He coos. "I'll make this as painful as possible." Once the sentence is finished, the tip of the wooden stick of death enters shallowly into her skin. A choked sigh/scream of pain leaves her lips and bloody tears leave her eyes freely. The stake is pushed into her flesh centimeter by centimeter to make its way to her heart. All the pain exploding through her body becomes to much and she blacks out.

                                                (¯’·.¸¸.-> °º º° <-.¸¸.·'¯)

 The trees are a blur of green and brown. (A/N: My friend Hailey came up with that line. Wanted to give credit.) We have been running for a few minutes. I could be running much faster, but Patrick is the most coordinated at the moment. I hear a twig snap behind us, but it is probably just a deer or some other animal. We continue to run for a minute or two more. I hear the twigs snap a few time here and there behind us. Someone must be following us. They are doing a horrible job at it, though.

        I stop on a dime and I almost pull Patrick's arm out of its socket. 

        "Ow!" He yelps. "What is it?" 

        I shush him. "Continue going straight. I'll catch up."

        "What? Why?" 

        "Just keep going straight." I whisper yell at him.  And he takes off. 

        Just as he disappears out of sight the world's greatest trailer pops into view and streaks over. He reaches for me, but I move out of the way. He hisses and displays his fangs. He tries to scratch me, but I twist of the way and grip his neck. I pin him to a tree, smacking his head in the process. I slam my hand down on his head and feel him go limp. I drop him and run to catch up with Patrick.

        "Why'd I have to run alone?" He asks.

        "Some guy was following up." I shrug.

                                                (¯’·.¸¸.-> °º º° <-.¸¸.·'¯)

A/N: Short Chapter, I know. But it near the end of the story. What do you expect?

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