Chapter Twelve

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        On the way back to her house, Millie could feel the anger slowly start to slip. As hard as she tried to stop it, it kept slipping one grain at a time with every step she took. She was still furious when she got home, but it wasn't much help to be in the place she used to share with Patrick. She wishes she could just run away, but what is stopping her now? She is once again alone. But even with knowing that in her brain, she still can't pull herself away.

        Deciding that her room is suffocating her, she slips out of the window. She walks down the street, her mind closed off to the outside world, when she runs in to someone. She steps back, without looking up, and mutters a "sorry."

        "It's okay darling. I was just on my way over to your house."

        Millie slowly raises her eyes to meet Matthew's. 

        "What's the matter pumpkin?" Matthew places a gentle hand on Millie's shoulder. "You look down."

        Millie takes a deep breath. Patrick and Robert just left her. Her first two sired left her. People always leave her, but here is someone running too her. Yeah, he is a condescending narcissistic ass, but, nevertheless, he is running too her.

        With an iron grip, she locks her arms around Matthew's neck and pulls his lips to meet hers. 

                                                (¯’·.¸¸.→ °º º° <-.¸¸.·´¯)

We ended up heading back to Matthew's hotel soon after that. We visited the door, then the couch, and finally the bed, escalating with every switch. We lay next to each other right now. He is drawing circles on my arm with his finger.

        "Millie," Matt's eyes become serious. "Can... can..." I swallows. "Can I Bite you?"

        I freeze. Bite me? Now? "I... um..." I can't get Bit!

        "You can Bite me afterwards of course."

        Oh, that's not helping! I can't get Bit now! Biting is like marriage. Well, no. If you are married, you can divorce. It is more like wolves mating. They mate for life. I can't do that! And isn't there supposed to be a witness?

        Sorry, I am not making much sense right now. Biting, as I said earlier, it is like mating for life. What you do is bite each other's neck and take a tiny sip. As you may remember, Robert bit me. Well, if you bite a vampire, it doesn't really do anything, except cause great pain. Also, if you drink, you get sick. But, Biting is more of a symbolic thing and the amount you drink is to small to do anything. It is just enough to "mix" your bloods to say you are connected.

        I can't be connected right now.

        I sit up straight. "Matthew, I ... I just- I can't. Not now." I put my dress back on.

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