Chapter Fourteen

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        I am passing the room right now like a made man. I have been sense I woke up this morning. I have no idea what time it is or how long I have before I am collected to see The Council. It is driving me a little insane. And last nights events didn't help. 

        When they said they would feed me, they didn't mean that they would drop by with a cup of warm blood, well the blood was warm, but it wasn't from a cup. They dropped some random chick in my room! She looked at me and asked, almost bored. "Are you one that just drinks," she smacked her gum like a cow. "Or are you one that like to play with their food." I asked her what that meant, and I would rather not tell you what it means.

        Finally, the door nob turns. I freeze, feeling a slight wind blow past me. A vampire who looks like she could be a senior in high school walks in with a green button down and black dress pants.

        She grin mischievously. "You know, you are kinda cute. If you didn't have to get to The Council in 30 minutes, I'd do you." She frowns. "But I'm not a fan of a quicky." She sighs as she hands me the clothes. "Maybe when this is all done, I can ask Iris." She skips out of the room and I release the breath I was holding.

        A little while later, Iris comes through the door. She holds out her hand for me to take. "Come on Patty, there is somewhere we need to be, and we don't want to anger The Consuls." I reluctantly grab onto her hand and we start down the hallway.

        After weaving through hallways, we make it to what looks like a court room. Iris has removed her hand from my own and is now resting it on my back to guide me in to stand in front of Josefina Hill, Alexander Mayer, Miles Thomas, Mica Oldham, and Kimberly Miller. Or, at least, that is what their name tags say. Directly in front of me is a greasy looking Miles Thomas with a wolfish smile.

        "Hello, Patrick Murfree. It is nice to meet you. I am Consul Miles. I understand that you are new to thins world."

        I swallow and nod.

        "Speak up boy!" Miles takes a deep breath.

        "Yes sir." I say as clearly as I can muster.

        "We would just like to ask a few questions." His oily smile returns. "Who is your sire?"

        I want to question him why he is asking this, but I am scared of what he would do. "Millie, hu ..." She only mentioned her last name a few times back when I first met her. "Millicent Johnson." I remember.

        Miles raises an annoyed eyebrow at me. "Now, have you sired anyone?"

        That was a little bit of a shocking question. "Aren't I a bit young to turn someone?"

        "It is just a standard question. Now answer it Mr. Murfree."

        "No, I have not, Consul Miles."

        "Okay, last question. How do you hunt?"

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