Pillowtalk Part 2 - the video

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Remember: Zayn is a visual artist. The stunning imagery of the Pillowtalk video is – I have no doubt - his vision (and not that of a hired-in art director) and none of it is a coincidence.

When I first saw the video - although I loved it - I found some of the images worrying (for the reasons I said in a previous chapter – misogyny etc.) and some of them clichéd. But that was because I didn't understand the song.

Knowing now what Pillowtalk is really about, the endless symbols and hidden meanings in the video just jump out. And there are so many. I am sure I have missed half of them, so please tell me in the comments if you have spotted others!!

The symbols are, I think, in part a message to Harry. Because they are actually pretty obscure and only us diehard zarries can really read them! Give yourself some kudos for being one of the chosen few!

The colours that appear again and again are: black, white, red, green. Plus pink flowers.

The black/white contrasts echo the lines light and dark (meaning Harry, with his light colouring and Zayn darker). Red is juxtaposed against black to remind us of the boyxboy narrative that Zarry identified with and Harry got his tattoo for (17Black and 29Red, by the author of Stockholm Syndrome). Harry is the 17Black character and Zayn is 29Red: so black means Harry and red signifies Zayn.

Colours, images and, most importantly, people constantly bleed into each other, morph, spin, split and fracture. Why? Because Zayn is telling us that things are not what they seem. One thing can mean another; can turn into another. In particular, people morph into other people. Gigi is the obvious beautiful model love-interest that we expect to see in a male artist's music video. But in this video, she is just a symbol.

Who does she symbolise? Well, let's admit that Gigi is pretty much the female version of Harry, minus the curly hair. Tall, slim (but not skinny) with a wide face and generous mouth; she has the same golden skin, full lips, wide smile, arched eyebrows and (drum roll) green eyes as Mr Styles.

She smashes a guitar against the ground (musician); tussles with Zayn (fighting on) and appears to be in a same-sex embrace / naked boxing match (so much Zarry!).

The first scene shows Zigi spinning in what looks like a prison of lights. Which could pretty much sum up / symbolise life for Zarry in 1D....

Next, Zayn is horizontal in black and white breathing out smoke. Then we see Zayn bathed in red light (29Red...).

S & M references abound: the spikes on the models' faces, fighting ... this is clearly about the relationship described in Stockholm Syndrome (the song) - in other words, Zarry.

Does anyone know what the black and white background behind Zayn and Gigi is? It looks like cells or DNA or something. Flower cells? I am sure it means something!

Then the notorious image of the naked woman seated on a couch, spreading her legs to reveal a flower. Everyone focusses on the nudity, of course, but look at the woman's eyes: they are lit up and they are green. And her nipples? Two black hearts.... IDENTICAL to Zarry's matching heart tattoos...

The flower between her legs is a lily and I have talked about the significance of this flower in an earlier chapter. The use of a flower to hide genitals is also a way of telling us that we can't be sure about gender in this song. That the person Zayn is singing about might not be a woman.

Gigi's unclothed body is shown pressing into a striped fabric which one reviewer has said suggests a kind of prison. The fabric is striped red and black.

Then there are the tattoos of the words "War Zone" and "Paradise" on the models' necks. Tattoos being a huge thing between the members of 1D and especially Zarry.

The black and white kaleidoscope image really reminds me of another MV: Strict Machine by Goldfrapp. Which is possibly about sadomasochistic sex / the things that lust can make you do. Ahem Zarry / Stockholm Syndrome again.

Lots of same-sex (two women) images and red and black

The spikes elongate, as do the flower petals... suggesting...

Then Zayn is seen with black liquid dripping from his eyes. I think this might be symbolic... Harry's orgasm...?

Gigi is then seen with red liquid dripping from her eyes... you do the maths.

The final image is of a same-sex couple in what looks like a post-coital embrace. The colours of the image are red, black and green. The woman on the bottom has brightly-lit, green eyes...

Let's face it, Zayn is a symbolist poet...

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