You and I

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What an incredibly beautiful, romantic song this is.  It was released in November 2013 as part of the Midnight Memories album.  It was written by Julian Bunetta, John Ryan and Jamie Scott, all of whom wrote regularly for One Direction. 

At face value, the song describes a relationship which needs compromise to work.  The narrator says that although he and his partner are very different, they won't behave like opposites (wrong / right, black/white) who constantly fall out / fight and don't work together - instead, they will stick together by compromising.

"I figured it out / I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours / Maybe they had to take some time

I know how it goes / I know how it goes from wrong and right

Silence and sound /Did they ever hold each other tight,

Like us? / Did they ever fight /Like us?

You and I / We don't wanna be like them / We can make it 'til the end

Nothing can come between /You and I

Not even the gods above / Can separate the two of us

No, nothing can come between /You and I / Oh, you and I

I figured it out /Saw the mistakes of up and down

Meet in the middle /There's always room for common ground...

At first it seems this could be about anyone.  However, I think it references Zarry for several reasons.  

First, Harry and Zayn had already been lovers but had broken up for a while around the time of the Zerrie engagement in August 2013.  It must have been impossible to keep their relationship secret from the other band members and their entourage / teams.  I suspect that the songwriting teams knew of it and drew inspiration from it.  Why?  Because they are describing opposites. 

Zayn and Harry are like two side of the same coin - yin and yang.  Harry ethnically white and Zayn ethnically part Asian.  Harry reputed to be light-hearted and charming; Zayn reputed to be moody and mysterious.  Harry having part-Jewish ancestry; Zayn being a Muslim.  Harry being the classic rock / folk fan and Zayn being into hip-hop / r n b.  Lots of contrasts.

(Sidenote: check out the Dusk Till Dawn video where Zayn and his love interest - who, as I will explain later, represents Harry - have matching yin yang tattoos).

Next, take a look at the video.  The boys are walking along a pier, one by one and then all in a group.  In the beginning they are all dressed in identical outfits and they morph into one another as each one takes his turn to sing.  

But what are they wearing?  

Black skinny jeans, black boots and a grey jumper. 

Who dresses like this?  Clue: take a look at my profile picture....  

Yep... Harry in exactly that outfit, next to.... who? 


I chose this image as my profile picture for a reason.  It is (in my opinion) hands-down the most beautiful Zarry photoshoot ever. The sun behind them, Zarry look like gods.  And could Harry look any happier?  The shot was taken in Germany in September 2012.  Well before You and I was written and released.  I have no doubt at all that the choice of outfit for the video was deliberate, to reference Harry.... and maybe to reference the Germany photoshoot as well.

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