Before we begin

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Before we begin – a word about Zarry as artists / people.

It's a difficult thing to be writing about real people – it's bad enough writing an RP slashfic like Deep - but what I am writing here is about Zarry's real life and their real relationships and when you do that it can sometimes feel as if you are crossing a boundary or disrespecting the people you are writing about. I don't want to do that, as I respect both of these two awesome singer – songwriters / human beings so much.

Obviously being a zarry shipper means you love them both and want them to be together and happy. If you reading this I am sure you can relate! But plenty of people would criticise us for this. And in the case of ships....well we know how angry some celebrities have got with fans relentlessly pushing their own ship agendas.

But I am going to defend us zarries now. I actually think we are more respecting of our otp than certain other shippers. Why? Well, for a start neither Harry or Zayn have hit out at or denied zarry allegations. ( Compare Louis's reaction to Larry Stylinson....) Ok I know zarries are fewer in number and less in the boys' faces than the larries, but still, it makes me feel better.

Secondly, Zarry have given us good reasons to ship them. Larry did in the beginning, but as soon as their public interactions cooled off I think the larries were going too far by insisting that something was still going on between Louis and Harry. In contrast, Zarry gave us increasing amounts of interaction over the years in 1D (except for the "break" they had in 2013-14) and even after Zayn left the band, Zarry's use of lyrics and symbols have given us all we need to know. We are not disrespecting them, we are celebrating their relationship and the beautiful art it has inspired.

In every case, Zarry have had a choice about what to reveal and not reveal to us. For example, Zayn didn't need to write those lyrics in Dusk Till Dawn that basically confirmed Zarry. He could have been vague, used formulaic words and images to describe missing someone. Harry didn't need to put his song If I Could Fly on the last 1D album. He could have put his feelings in a DM to Zayn and we would never have known what he really felt.

Yes, Zarry could have kept their relationship a complete secret. They didn't. As Zarry Documentaries / Bob Dylan says, Zarry's feelings for each other are so strong that they "bleed out into their art". Yes, they have thinly disguised the meanings of their songs so that the general public will not notice. Hell, even the majority of One Direction fans haven't got it! But I think Zarry knew that the fans that really care... the ones that really listen and really support them .... would get the message and share in the joy Zarry feel in their love for each other. Which fans am I talking about? Why, the zarries of course.  You and me.  So, dear reader... consider yourself one of the chosen few. The few that Zayn and Harry have trusted with this information....

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