"Just tell her Izuku Midoriya is here, please."

After he said that, he simply released the buzzer and waited for the girl he was supposed to have dinner with. Seems he didn't have to wait long as the doors to the estate opened and so did the gates as Momo walked over to him in a white top with some small floral designs that left her shoulder bare along with a red skirt that worked as a corset.

"You look rather nice." She said as she walked out of the gate and it closed behind her.

"And you look stunning." He replied as they started to walk down the street. "But let's take a shortcut." He said before lifting Momo into a princess hold or bridal style if you will.

"Wait, what!?" she exclaimed as Izuku jumped onto a building and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck to not fall. But as they went through the skies of Japan, Momo loosened her hold and looked down to see lights throughout nearly every building, illuminating the city.

A few minutes later, Izuku leaped down in front of a small but busy restaurant. Keeping a smile on the entire time as Momo looked at him in disbelief for multiple reasons.

But she didn't speak her mind as they skipped the line that was held in front of the establishment and went straight to the hostess. "Hello, do you have a reservation?" She asked as she held a clipboard in her hands.

"I have a reservation under the name Deku." Answered Izuku as he pulled out his wallet to show her his hero ID. Though this word treats it as basically a driver's license at this point.

"Ah, go right ahead. Pick any seat you would like." She replied as Izuku grabbed Momo's hand and led her into the five-star restaurant which will remain unnamed.

Without a bit of hesitation, Izuku brought Momo to the second floor of the restaurant which was nearly empty besides a few heroes who were eating there in their casual attire. But the reserved space had a glass roof to see the stars and windows to look at the streets, plus a small aquarium built into the wall.

"You made a reservation for this place?" She asked in amazement as they sat down at a small table for two.

"I suppose, but this restaurant was founded by a retired hero so they like to help out heroes from time to time." He said as he opened a small menu and Momo did the same, though she didn't seem amazed at the variety of choices compared to the quality of the establishment. "But what did you want to talk about?"

"Hm?" She asked as she looked up from her menu absentmindedly, but quickly realized why they were even having dinner in the first place. "Oh, I just wanted to thank you for saving me in training. I didn't think you'd go this far for just dinner though."

The comment made Izuku chuckle a bit as he leaned back and saw the glistening stars, one even twinkled. "I just thought a girl like yourself would want this kind of thing. Though if you don't we can always just go to a movie or to the mall next time."

"I'd like that." She said as a waiter came by and took the orders. Once he left, the two resumed their small conversation. "I just don't want to be treated special because of my family or my status since my father wants me to lead his company once I graduate from UA." She joked as Izuku got a text from Mt. Lady who saw him in the restaurant.

"Yuu, I'm kind of on a date here." He said to the blonde hero who turned around to face him in the restaurant.

"A date?" Momo asked, somewhat surprised.

"Don't worry about me. A girl has to eat too, you know." Replied Mt. Lady or Yuu as she went back to her food among her own date of Kamui Woods.

"Is this a date?" Momo asked as Izuku turned back around to face her.

(Bnha) Number NineWhere stories live. Discover now