Chapter 6

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    I tried to push through the crowds as fast as I could without getting separated from the others. There were screaming children, crying women, and worried men everywhere I looked. People were starting to realize the real danger of the situation. Most of the men were trying to get their wives and children on to the lifeboats. Other men were trying to get on the lifeboats themselves, or helping children get in to boats Women were telling their husbands to stay safe, or refusing to leave without them. Other women were holding screaming children, or just trying to get on to a boat. Children were running around, some panicking, others enjoying a game of tag. I saw a young girl, crying and asking for her mommy. I wanted to help the poor girl, but I had my own problems. I hardly saw anyone in anything other than nice clothes, which told me that the third class was probably mostly trapped underneath. The thought saddened me, but I had to keep on.

    I finally reached a boat. There were only two seats left in it. “Next boat!” I shouted, running farther down the deck. The next boat had five available seats.

    “Get in!” Grant shouted, pointing to the lifeboat.

    “There’s only five seats, someone’s going to be left behind.”

    “I know that.” Grant said. “Now get in the boat!”

    First went Penny and Candi. Then went Quinn, and next came Grady.

    “I’ll stay.” I said confidently, though I was very scared. I really didn’t want to stay, but I wanted the others to survive this, especially Grant, who would be going to a good high school this year to be able to get in to a good college. I wouldn’t let Penny stay, because she had to take care of Candi. And I definitely wasn’t going to let the twins stay. So the only sensible person left to stay would be me.

    “No, you won’t.” Grant said, pushing me toward the life. “They need you, Raini. Let me be the responsible one. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, I promise.” He smiled weakly. I hugged him.

    “I’m so sorry you have to do this, Grant.”

     “It’s okay, Raini. I’ll find a way out of this, and we’ll all meet . Now get on that lifeboat while you can.” He said. This time, I actually got in the boat, sitting next to Grady and Quinn.

    “I’ll meet you in New York City!” Grant shouted, waving, as the lifeboat dropped in to the water below. I could see that most of the Titanic was underwater. I hoped that Grant would be okay. He’d probably find a way out. He always seemed to in the end.

    “They’re going to send out an emergency signal.” A short woman said from behind me. She was one of the seven other people on this boat.

    “Hopefully, I’m freezing!” Another woman who was petting a lapdog said. Only one man was on this boat, as a guide. We started to move away from the ship.

    A splash came from the seat two behind mine, and I looked back. The lapdog that had been in the woman’s lap had jumped in to the water, and was struggling around in the icy waves. After a few seconds of struggling it went under, not coming back up.

    “Puppy!” Candi  shouted the second the dog went under, taking off her lifejacket and jumping in to the freezing water.

    “Candi!” Penny tried to catch her, but she was already in the water. We waited a minute, Penny gripping the side of the boat with white knuckles. She didn’t come back up. “I… I think she was trying to save the drowning dog, but…” Penny’s voice cut out as she sobbed in to her hands. I patted her back. I pitied her because I knew how she felt. I had also just lost my sister. I could tell that it wasn’t the last loss we’d be suffering today.

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