Before You Read

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It is I, Wolf-san (previously known as Wolf-chan but I changed my name). If you know me well, you know the routine. If not, then continue on with the before you read chapter where I tell you some things but you don't have to read if you don't want to.

Here we go. First is the warning:
If you have not completed the ultra sun and/or the ultra moon storylines/game, some information will be leaked that might spoil the game. If you don't want this to happen, read with caution or don't read at all.

Okay now we're good...

Writing Schedule: I usually try to update every other day but since I have a collaboration book that updates every Sunday and another book that's coming out soon as well as an ongoing book and a book in the making, updates will be completely randomized so good luck with keeping track of them.

About the Book: I'm not including pictures in my books anymore unless I have to. I've found that it's very time consuming and it takes away from the reader's imagination. Also, the events in this story sort of have parts from the plot of UltraSun and/or UltraMoom so I don't own those parts of the plot. If you guys have read my previous Gladion x reader books (The Wish and/or The Lie), just know that the storyline of this books has nothing to do with those. I rephrase, this is not a sequel.

Sort of Important Notice: The author no longer goes by the name Wolf-chan (but it's not like anyone used that alias anyway). Feel free to call the author Wolf, Okami, or Amaterasu (or Wolf-san). Whichever one you prefer.

And now you guys can continue on to the very first chapter of Aishitemasu...go ahead and continue...I really hope you aren't still reading this...

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