Chapter 1 - The Text ✔

Start from the beginning

"Yes I do."

"Okay then now spill." She says all interested in the goods as she never really got along with Jason, she always says I'm too good for him whatever that even means and that he doesn't deserve me.

So I told her everything from what the text says and to the picture she send which by the way I can't make out her face and who she is to make sure this is a load of crap. Maybe Mel can shed some light on this situation, so I send her the picture. But so far she hasn't said anything. She just went all mute.

"Mel are you there? Did you get the picture I send? Do you know if it's true or if this bitch is looking for trouble?" I ramble on.

"What?!" She practically screams over the phone, which I know this is her delaid reaction to the picture and text.

"Yeah I received it like after midnight and I don't know who send it as it is from an unknown number. What do you think I should do?" I ask her

"Is that why you wanted to phone him?" She ask.

"Well yeah and because I miss him, I haven't heard from him in a few days now."

"Well don't, if I were you I wouldn't discuss or confront him over the phone I would fly my ass right on home and punch a bitch." She says all excited.

"What are saying Mel? You think it's true?!"

"Honestly?" She ask.


"I think it's true or maybe parts of it, I mean think about it the woman in the picture is definitely not you. The fact that she has your number and knows you are not by Jason's side at the moment says a lot. Don't you think?"

"I guess but I don't believe it, I mean we happy he will never cheat on me, especially with this crazy bitch. What do you suggest I do because honestly I don't believe any of this crap I believe in Jason and his love for me."

"Well you only have two options here, one forget about it and move on make like it never happened, even though we both know you won't be able to, or opinion two you fly back home and confront him and get to the bottom of this. The choice is yours really but if it was me I would get my ass home right away and deal with it." She says.

"I don't know." I say all confused on what to do or think at the moment.

"Seriously Kia I think Jason is an Asshole and it's time you wake up girl and see what's right in front of you." She says all irritable.

"Really Mel not this shit again, I have enough on my mind as it is please don't make this more difficult then it already is, I have to go now, thanks for listening anyways, I'll see you the weekend yeah?" I say as I'm so over this conversation.

"Definitely and I'm sorry boo I didn't mean to make you more upset, but I'm here for you okay if you need anything and let me know what you going to do with the situation okay, love you boo." She says with a lot of sincerity in her voice.

"Okay I will talk later, love you too." I say ending the call.

After the call with Mel I've just been sitting here for what feels like hours and it's only been like a few minutes maybe half and hour. My mind is all worked up I have to get ready for my lunch meeting but I can't seem to move at the moment. My heart is telling me to forget it even happened because I know Jason but my gut is telling me to do as Mel said to do. I mean what's the worse that could happen if I go home, I know in my heart his not cheating so I would get to see him sooner and at the same time put an end to this fucked up bitch.

So after I had my shower and got dressed I decided to pack my things and head on home to sort this out as I know I won't be able to concentrate on work, sleep or eat with this nagging feeling whole week. So here I am all packed up and ready to head on to the airport, after I called my assistant to cancel all my appointments and meetings for this week and asked her to send my colleague Lauren to finish up here in Cali, because I have an emergency I have to deal with. I left the hotel to the airport. Jason baby here I come...


So... This was my first chapter for my first book I really hope you guys liked it. I love reading and I've read a lot of books and a friend/fellow watty told me to try and write my own book so here I am trying 😂, please let me know what you guys think and if you liked it or not, I would really appreciate it. Please do comment and vote.



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