Chapter 83 reawakened

Começar do início

Corrupted corpus:Tell you leader this. If we came to straight war we would win.

Ash:Tell your leader this. We are prepared for you and any other factions! We are ready to go to war with all of you!

Corrupted corpus:Hehe oh really? You could take all of us?

Ash:Yes. Easily.

Corrupted corpus:Hahahahaha!

He flashs and disappears

Ash:Well...that should incite something.

The titania is still knocked out in the corner.

Ash:Lemme see....what to do... I cant just attack janus again...and i dont know where frost and stalker are....and I have no ship to speak of...greaaaattt...maybe I should take the form of a shell.

I hear someone banging and kicking the door.

Ash:.....thats not okay.. you need to wake up soon.

I look at the titania

Ash:Maybe she would know whats going on here.

I sit down

Ash:Hmm...janus has to die with me...this world isnt ment for us. But how to reach her...

I ponder on the thought until i hear a scrape behind me

Ash:Oh you...

The titania has a sword pointed right at my face

Titania:Where am I!

Ash:Uhmm wherever you were before some corrupted tried to steal you but I stopped them.

She looks around

Titania:Ive never met you before. Why save me what do you want.

Ash:A friend I guess. I dunno I kinda just didnt want to let the corrupted take another warframe.

Titania:why do you look infested!


I look down and remembered i took the form I had before I died

Ash:Oh uhh...long story but if I show you my true form will you not like...kill me?

She nods and i turn back into a clean blue shell.

Titania:A shell? Why not just kill me while I was knocked out?

Ash:Well im not with the cephalon anymore im rogue I guess.


She puts her sword down

Titania:So how did you end up here.

Ash:Punched out a window and woke up here. Must have fallen through a hole or something.

Titania:its possible.

Ash:So uh where are we.

Titania:the brink.

Ash:Whats that?

Titania:the edge of the galaxy.

Ash:ohhhh..shit how the hell am I suppose to get off this "Brink"

Titania:hmm...maybe an archwing has been left here. Wouldnt be impossible ive seen some ancient ones lying around here.

Ash:what are those "Things" outside one of them tried to kill me earlier.

Titania:They are bodies from the old world rusted and burnt. Gone mad the only thing I can do is kill them to make there pain go away.

Warframe:lost cause(Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora