Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

I spent the rest of the night in my room, thinking how the fuck I would fix this. Everyone believed that Andy and I slept together, it would be impossible to convince them otherwise. I've seen this happen to girls at my school too many times, they were never able to live it down no matter how many times they said it didn't happen.

There was a soft knock on the door, "Harry, honey, I made dinner, do you think you can hold anything down?" My mum asked. She had made me some soup earlier and I was able to handle it just fine, obviously since I wasn't actually sick. The problem was that I wasn't hungry, I didn't want to eat anything, it's possible that I wouldn't actually be able to hold it down anyways.

"I can try." I mumbled as I got out of bed and padded down the stairs, my mum had already sat back down with Dan but I noticed Louis was missing. Then I realized, I would have to face Louis. Who knew what he would say about this.

"Harry, you okay? You look a bit faint." Dan said worriedly.

I nodded, "Yeah I'm fine, just sick, you know." Dan nodded solemnly, "Uh where's Louis?"

"Late practice, with them being in the playoffs the coach has them practicing nonstop." Dan shrugged as I nodded and ate some of my pasta, my mum decided a light food would be better for me so unlike her and Dan who had spaghetti with meatballs, I had buttered noodles with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. . .great.

I asked to be excused, said I was feeling quite tired so they let me go up to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my laptop and decided I'd just watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. I may have seen every season seven times but hey, eight times wouldn't kill me.

Soon the door opened and Louis trudged in. I ignored him completely, I wanted to postpone the conversation about me and Andy for as long as possible. He glanced at me as he took off his T-shirt, "Heard you left early today."

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Can I ask why." He asked as he plopped down on his bed.

"Pretty sure you know why, in fact pretty sure the football team was the first to know why." I snapped.

"What? Cause you slept with Andy?" Louis snored.

I shook my head, "I didn't sleep with Andy."

He looked at me and laughed, "Yeah, that hickey on your neck really sells that."

I gaped at him, "Andy tried to assault me."

Louis rolled his eyes, "You shouldn't make accusations like tha—" he fell silent as I pulled down my shorts enough to exposes the bruises in the shapes of Andy's fingers on my hips. He walked over to me and brushed his finger tips over the bruises. "He did this to you?"

I swallowed and nodded as I pulled my shorts up, the elastic snapping against my skin, "Yeah, he almost raped me, I'm lucky I got away."

"That lying son of a bitch, all for a hundred pounds." Louis muttered.

I furrowed my brows, "What are you talking about?" Louis went silent and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Louis, whatever's going on you better tell me."

"Andy bet on you." He blurted.

I gritted my teeth, "I'm sorry, what?"

Louis sighed and sat down with me on my bed, "Someone told him you have a crush on him and the team said that they doubt he could score with you because despite dressing like a slut you were a prude."

My eyes watered a bit, Andy was using me. He wanted to win a bet so he used me and tried to rape me. "So I just meant nothing to Andy, just some prize to be won."

"I tried to tell you, Haz. Andy is bad news, and I warned you about him from the start." Louis shrugged and then I realized, Louis knew this whole time and didn't tell me.

"Why didn't you just tell me that he was trying to win a bet, Louis? I would've ended it if you would've told me that!" I exclaimed.

"You wouldn't have believed me if I did." He snorted. "Plus, Andy and I were friends, I wasn't going to break his trust. I was hoping me warning you would help you steer clear without exposing Andy for what he was doing. But him trying to rape you, that's enough for me to break his trust."

And he was right, he warned me on multiple occasions. Told me I was going to get hurt and if he had told me that Andy was using me for a bet I probably wouldn't have believed him. I groaned and put my head in my hands, "God this is the worst."

"It's not the end of the world, this happens all the time and people get over it." Louis shrugged.

"It's the end of the world when you're a virgin." I mumbled. "All those other girls, they had their first times and the people they had their first time with believed it was their first time and made it the best they could for them. I won't get that, guys are just going to think that I've done it before so it's no big deal."

"Wait, you're a virgin?" Louis inquired.

I rolled my eyes, "I thought it was obvious I'm a virgin."

"But, you made that crack about dildos and wanting to keep them." Louis said.

"I only said that to get under your skin, I have all of the ones you guys put in my locker in a garbage bag under a floorboard, untouched. I haven't thrown them out because I've been too afraid of if my mum found them." I shrugged.

"This is seriously hurting you, isn't it?" Louis asked, it seemed like the only time he's ever actually cared about me and felt remorse.

I nodded, "Yeah, it is. I don't want to be some slut that had sex with Andy in the back of his car, especially when it didn't happen."

"There's a simple solution to this." Louis rolled his eyes.

"And what would that be." I scoffed.

"Say it happened." He shrugged.

I gaped at him, was he fucking insane? "Are you out of your mind? Did you not hear a single thing I just said?"

"You didn't let me finish, twat." Louis grumbled. "Say that it happened but say that Andy was complete rubbish, he didn't know what he was doing and he had a small member. Then either Andy has to live with the reputation of being bad at sex and having a shrimp dick or he can fess up that he was lying."

I blinked, "That's bloody brilliant."

"Yeah, I know." Louis snorted as he got up from the bed and went to leave the room, hopefully to take a shower, he kinda smelled from footie practice.

"Hey," I said making Louis turn around. "Thank you."

Louis looked like he contemplated for a second before he walked over and kissed my forehead taking me entirely by surprise, "No problem." He walked out the door again and turned around before leaving, "I care about you, I hope you know that." And with that he left. Leaving me entirely confused.


A/n: today is my birthday and my gift to all of you is a few updates of a few of my stories ! Hope you like them xx

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