Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

The next morning I woke up and pulled out some of my old clothes. Louis was tiny so even though they were from when I was fourteen, they would still fit him. I grabbed a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones tee.

For me I pulled a white crop top, some short shorts, a black and white Nike jacket and my grey Roshes. I looked over to see Louis was still asleep.

I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at his head. "What the fuck?" He spat, throwing it back.

"Get up." I threw his clothes at him and headed into the bathroom to change my clothes. I changed, brushed my teeth and messed with my curly hair to make it look presentable.

Someone pounded on the door, "Hurry your ass up, I need to get in the bathroom." Louis yelled. I rolled my eyes and opened up the door. Louis was dressed, the clothes fit him a bit snugly but they still fit. "Are you fucking checking me out?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I was just trying to see if the clothes fit okay." I snorted and shoved past him. I walked into my room and grabbed my bag. I headed down stairs where my mum was fixing pancakes and Dan was already sitting at the table eating some.

"Morning, Harry." He smiled.

"Morning, Dan. Morning, mum." I smiled back.

"Good morning, sweetie. Here's your food and Louis'." She handed me two plates. I placed his farthest from mine and sat down to eat. Louis came down stairs and wordlessly sat down to eat.

We ate in silence, once we had all finished our meals Louis and I walked out to the place where the bus picked us up. On the way there Louis, being the childish prick he is, tripped me making me fall into the dirt.

"Not funny, asshole." I grumbled as he snickered. I stood up and dusted off my outfit, luckily none had gotten on my white top, on my bare legs and my shorts.

"I think its fucking hilarious." He shrugged. "You should be in the dirt where you belong."

"And you should be burning in hell, where you belong but yet you're here." I retorted. Louis glared at me and elbowed me in the stomach. I groaned and hunched over in pain. "Must I remind you, you need to be nice to me or I'm taking it to Dan."

"I can't be perfectly nice to you, that's impossible." He snorted. "I'll tell you what, I'll stop physically abusing you and I'll tell the team to lay off but I can't promise that they'll stop."

"You also need to stop the humiliation. Like pushing me in the girls bathroom, lifting up my skirts, and putting dildos in my locker." I folded my arms. I thought for a moment, "Actually the dildos can stay but the other stuff needs to stop."

"First of all ew, second of all fine the rest of the stuff will stop." He huffed.

"Good." I smiled triumphantly as the bus pulled up. I climbed aboard with Louis hot on my trail. I sat down next to Zayn as Louis sat in the seat  next to us.

"What is he doing here." Zayn mumbled, nodding his head in Louis' direction.

"It's a long story." I huffed as Louis slipped his earbuds in.

"We've got time." He shrugged, shutting his book.

"You remember how my mum wanted me to meet her boyfriend and that they had big news?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Well, the news was that they were engaged and that her boyfriend and his son were moving into our house." I explained.

Soon To Be Stepbrothers (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now