Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

It was Monday morning and I decided to dress extra pretty. It was mostly because of Andy but no one had to know that. I was nervous that even after yesterday he would still ignore me cause of his friends but he said if he liked someone, he'd date them no matter their social status.

So I put on my white bandeau, white lace top, light faded jean shorts and some brown boots. I was extremely grateful for my school having no dress code considering just about everything I wore was out of dress code at most schools.

"They should enforce a dress code so you can't wear stuff like that." Louis called from behind me, I hadn't even realize that he was in the room.

"Why, am I distracting you? Are my shoulders and knees making you hard?" I teased and he shifted uncomfortably.

"No." Louis mumbled. "Only in your dreams would you make me hard."

"I love how you just assume all of my dreams consist of you, you need to get over yourself because the only dream I've had about you was one where you got eaten by an alligator and trust me it was the best dream I've ever had." I clenched my fist together.

"Chill, Harold. I'm joking." He snorted as he pulled his shirt off making me uncomfortable. I had seen his bare chest before in his nude but this was in person. "Stop staring at me, perv."

"It's nothing I haven't seen before, in fact I've seen some other things. Certain pinky sized things." I said amusedly.

He grabbed me by the shirt and lifted, making me stand on my tippy-toes so I was eye level with him. "You and I both know that my dick is nine inches, four inches than average. Probably the largest dick you have or will ever see."

Which was true. His dick was far from pinky size and it was the largest I had ever seen. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that. So I merely shrugged, "I've seen better dicks."

He scoffed to himself and released my shirt, "I don't know why I'm arguing with you, you're pathetic."

I simply rolled my eyes. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs for breakfast. I wasn't feeling very hungry so I just grabbed an apple and ate it quickly, throwing it away.

"You sure you don't want something else? I'll make you some eggs." Dan offered.

I wished Louis could be more like his father, he was nice. I wish I could have him as a step father without having Louis as a step brother but unfortunately that's not how it works.

"No, I'm okay. Where's my mum?" I asked.

"She was called into work at one this morning, someone needed immediate surgery." He answered.

"Wow, there was no one else at the hospital that could've done it?" I asked curiously.

"It's a very serious surgery and your mother is the best neurosurgeon in Holmes Chapel, she's one of the very few." Dan explained.

"Right, of course." I nodded. "Louis, hurry up! We need to go!" I shouted and Louis padded down the stairs.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist." Louis muttered.

"Bye, Dan." I smiled and gave him a small hug as Louis and I left the house.

Louis groaned dramatically once we shut the front door. "Would you please stop kissing my dad's ass?"

Soon To Be Stepbrothers (Larry Stylinson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें