Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

When I woke up, I was no longer at school but rather at home in my bed. My body felt sore, my back especially from where I fell when Louis tackled me. I heard a knock on my door and I groaned knowing it was either Dan or my mum—who ever was available to take off from work to pick me up—and I knew no matter who it was they were going to pressure me about what happened and who did this.

Reluctantly, I yelled, "Come in." To my surprise it was neither my mum or Dan. It was Louis. "What are you doing here?"

He put a breakfast tray over my lap that had a mug on it and a plate of eggs and bacon. To my surprise the food didn't look half bad. "I'm bringing you tea and some real food, you've only had an apple today, you need to put more food in a stomach."

"What? Beating the crap out of me wasn't enough and now you've come to poison me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't make the food, I can't cook for shit." Louis snorted. "I went down to I-Hop and picked it up."

I eyed him skeptically, but I knew that there was no way he could've cooked this so I chose to believe him. I cut up the egg and took a bite yet Louis was still standing there staring at me. "May I help you?" I asked.

He looked away, "No." he mumbled.

"Are you like bipolar or something? You're tackling me in the parking lot and the next you're staying home and taking care of me? It doesn't make sense." I ranted.

"I'm not bipolar." He rolled his eyes. "My dad and Anne were unable to leave work and considering I'm the reason you had to leave early I offered to take you home and take care of you."

"Oh? So you don't think that you should've hurt me so you're taking care of me?" I furrowed my brows, Louis feeling bad for hurting me? That was a first.

"No, you called my girlfriend easy. You had that ass beating coming." He snorted. "But I lost my temper and hurt you pretty bad so yeah I guess I'm kind of sorry."

I blinked. Did he really just apologize? I'd never heard him apologize to anyone, especially not me. "Y-You're sorry?"

"Yeah, but don't look into it. I just lost my temper a bit too much." He said and I simply rolled my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Uh noon." He said, glancing at his watch.

I raised an eyebrow, "So you brought me breakfast in bed at noon?"

"Don't criticize me, I did something nice for you you prick." Louis grumbled.

"Okay." I smiled amusedly. The doorbell rang and Louis and I looked at each other confused. "Who's that?"

"Gee, I don't know Harry. Why don't I use my see-who's-at-the-door-through-visions power and find out." Louis said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "Just go get the damn door."

"Just go get the damn door." He mocked in a high pitch voice that sounded nothing like me, especially because my voice was deeper than Louis'. Reluctantly he left and went to answer the door.

He came back up with Zayn by his side. "Zayn." I smiled widely.

"Hey, bud." He smiled back and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked at Louis who still stood in the door way. I raised my eyebrows to say why are you still here? He rolled his eyes and walked away, probably to go to the living room. "I can't believe he's taking care of you."

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