Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

"I just don't get it. Why hasn't he asked me yet?" I whined as I tried on what seemed to be the hundredth dress. Zayn and I were shopping for a tux for him and a dress for me.

A couple weeks passed by and winter formal was coming up. I was hoping Andy was going to ask me but I didn't want to push anything on him. Louis had already asked Eleanor, Ed had asked Perrie — when I asked Zayn about it he said they thought it would be best if Ed went with a girl to his their secret, I smell bullshit though — Kendall asked Cara even Niall had asked this girl Ellie.

"Maybe he doesn't want to go." Zayn shrugged as he messed around on his phone.

I nodded, "Yeah, maybe he doesn't want to go with me."

Zayn looked up at me, "I do not recall saying 'with you'. I said maybe he doesn't want to go as in winter formal isn't his thing, it certainly isn't mine."

"But you're still going aren't you?" I folded my arms.

Zayn rolled my eyes, "I'm only going cause you want me to."

"But you don't have to." I shrugged.

"But I'm going to because I care dearly about you." He retorted.

"Exactly! And Andy claims he really likes me and really cares about me so wouldn't he go because he wants me to be happy?" I exclaimed. "I don't expect him to do that but if he doesn't then maybe he doesn't like me all that much after all."

Zayn sighed and shook his head, "Andy does like you a lot, stop jumping to conclusions. He's going to ask you, maybe he's nervous or maybe he doesn't know if you want to go and that's why he hasn't asked you."

"All I talk about is formal! I even mentioned last week how me and you were going shopping to go find me a dress for formal." I said exasperatedly. "You know what his response was? 'Have fun'. Have fun? If he was going to go with me he would've said 'let me know what color the dress is so we can match' or something like that." I ranted.

"Harry, calm your tits." Zayn rolled his eyes. "He's going to ask you, I bet you he will."

"Just zip me up." I sighed. Zayn rolled his eyes and reluctantly zipped up my dress, what can I say? He's whipped. I looked at the mirror mirror in awe.

"Wow, it looks great Harry." Zayn said.

It was a red dress, a dress that looked as if it were made out of red roses. It was tight at the top but flowed out towards the bottom. It was made of a satin material so when the light hit it casted lovely shadows that extenuated my figure and the color itself complimented my skin tone nicely. It had straps and still looked gorgeous despite my lack of boobs.

"Wow, I really like this one." I said finally.

"Yeah, me too." Zayn nodded, he probably was just trying to get out of here as soon as possible.

I ran my hands down the sides of it and gasped loudly, "It has pockets!" I squealed. "I'm getting it."

"Why is it such a big deal that it has pockets?" Zayn asked as he scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"Zayn, you have never worn a dress so you will be unable to comprehend why it's such a big deal it has pockets." I said as I motioned him over to unzip me. He complied wordlessly.

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