Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

That night, I had to sit down with my mum and Dan since they were concerned about me being bullied. I tried to tell them it was nothing and was my fault but they wouldn't budge.

"Harry, just tell us who did this to you. They should be punished." Dan said.

"I've told you guys a million times, I'm fine! It was my fault it happened anyways." I grumbled.

"You are not fine, look at the side of your face." My mum said as she grabbed my chin and turned my head so Dan could see as well. Louis had already bandaged it up but there was a large cut there. Louis hadn't actually done that though, that was from when I fell afterwards.

"I got that from falling." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, when you passed out after you got beat up." Dan scoffed. "Who did this?"

I pressed my lips in a tight line. "It. Doesn't. Matter."

Just then Louis walked in the room and Dan turned to him with a glare, "You need to start protecting him! You're going to be his step brother and I need you to protect him from people who are bullying him." Oh the irony.

"It's not my fault, if I would've gotten involved I could've gotten expelled." Louis said defensively, which was true. If it was a teacher who had to pull him off of me he probably would've been expelled.

"I didn't say you had to fight someone, just defend him." Dan said.

"It's not his job to defend me, I can take care of myself." I cut in.

"Obviously you can't." Mum snapped. "I'll just call the school, they must have security cameras and I'll see for myself." She said as she went to grab the phone.

"No!" Louis and I yelled simultaneously. They eyed us oddly.

Dan folded his arms, "Louis, why don't you want us to know who did this?"

Louis' face paled, "B-Because I um well—"

"Because it was his fault." I said and he looked at me wide-eyed.

"What?" Dan asked in a stern tone.

I quickly thought up a lie, "He was arguing with some guy this morning and um he was going to fight him but I told him it wasn't worth it and managed to pull him away. Then the guy began to say things about me, saying I was easy and that's the only reason that Andy likes me. So then I said I'm not easy, you must be thinking of your girlfriend and then he beat the crap out of me."

Dan looked away from me and looked up at Louis, "Is that true, son?"

Louis nodded rapidly, "Yeah, that's part of why I stayed home to take care of him cause I felt bad."

Dan and mum looked at each other with the same look and looked back to us, "We find that hard to believe." Mum said.

"You don't think I would defend someone?" I asked. "What, do you think I'm weak just because I dress feminine? You think I'm some coward?"

Mum and Dan both went pale. Dan shook his head, "No, no. Of course not, that's not what we meant—"

"It's exactly what you meant, some supportive mum and soon-to-be-step-dad you guys are." I scoffed and turned away from them.

My mum rushed to my side, "I'm sorry, Harry. Of course we believe that you defended Louis. We just don't know why you wouldn't say so in the first place."

"Because Louis was embarrassed that I had to defend him cause he couldn't do it himself. Right Louis?" I smiled at him sweetly as he glared.

"Yes, that's right." He said with a slightly clenched jaw.

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