Chapter 4: Arrival of Gamera

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The citizens of the Demon capital stare in shock as blasts of nuclear energy, beams of sonic energy exploded right over their walls, with screeches of pain from the Gyaos. But only roars of challenge from the massive kaiju that is defending them. Godzilla.

The massive beast incinerates all that get too close to the city. A Super charges forth, ravenous from hunger. The king of the kaiju lets out a snort, before swinging his massive tail upwards, turning around and bringing it down on the unfortunate Super. The unpleasant sound of several large bones getting crushed make all of the citizens grimace. Suddenly, another Super swoops down and blasts the earth beneath the ancient kaiju's feet. The explosion has no effect. On the kaiju.

The ground beneath him collapses, bringing the titanic juggernaut down to his knees. The Gyaos screech in victory and swoop towards the wall. But they don't make it. Because they get incinerated by a massive blast of fire(plasma). Rising from the ocean, is massive shape. The first thought to come to mind is:

"Is that a turtle?"

The creature known as Gamera, roars. The Gyaos screech in fury and immediately turn their attention away from Godzilla and the city. Gamera snarls, before raising his arm without a hand. It starts to glow, and the stump is covered with flames, before taking the shape of a kaiju sized fist. Gamera roared once again, before giving the attacking Gyaos what they deserve. A kaiju sized Falcon Punch.

The resulting explosion turns midnight into midday, vaporizing all of the Gyaos

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The resulting explosion turns midnight into midday, vaporizing all of the Gyaos. The large remainder of the flock glare at their enemy since ancient times. Before an Atomic Breath tears through a few more of their numbers.

Godzilla frees himself, lifting his right up onto more stable ground. He rises up before charging at the flock full force. The Gyaos respond with sonic beams, but they do nothing against the titanic juggernauts armored scales and plates. He swings his tail around, smashing through a large number of the bat like monsters.



I want you to capture so of those Gyaos. And also, is that turtle thing with you?"

"I am with Gojira, and for the record, I AM NOT A TURTLE!"

"Ok, we get it Guardian of the Universe and Guardian of Water Gamera. The greatest mana being of all. Also, Demon Lord, why do you want me capture some of these ugly fucks?"

"I want to see if I can turn them into Mamono."

"Seriously? I'll try."

The king of the kaiju and the Atlantean legacy stand side by side, glaring at the flock. Before they here a massive shriek. Suddenly, deep within the flock, the two kaiju spot a large Super Gyaos. Not hyper size, but still quite large. The two guardians turn towards each other, before nodding. They turn back toward the flock. Godzilla snarls, before charging up.

But instead of releasing it in an Atomic Breath, the kaiju focuses instead on the most rage inducing thing that ever happened to him. His spines flash an ominous red, before the soft scale beneath his heavy armor plating start to glow.

Godzilla roared with new found energy, before releasing a red and orange beam into the ranks of the Gyaos

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Godzilla roared with new found energy, before releasing a red and orange beam into the ranks of the Gyaos. Gamera, not wanting to be out done, also charged up and runes started to appear on his body. The glow fades, before the his mana levels spike, and the strange engraving in his chest starts to glow, as well as certain parts of his arms.

 The glow fades, before the his mana levels spike, and the strange engraving in his chest starts to glow, as well as certain parts of his arms

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The two flaming kaiju charge towards the stunned flock, slamming into several members of the flock, melting the flesh of their bones. The leading Super Gyaos, screeches at its cohorts, but instead of attacking, the monsters respond to their most ancient instinct. Fear.

The monsters turn tail and run, screeching in terror. Some remain, but get smacked out of the sky and into unconsciousness. The Super screeches and fires it's sonic ray, which had no effect on the kaiju. The other unleash their respective Breath attacks on the lowly beast, which screeches in pain before exploding into a massive fire ball. The two titans turn towards each other and nod, before powering down.

Time skip

After the sun rose, the two kaiju's finish picking up the two dozen unconscious Gyaos, as well as two Supers. Gamera carries the normals ones, while Godzilla drags the two unconscious Supers. The Demon Lord flys down to them. Both of the massive kaiju vanish in a beam of light. In their place, stand two men.

One is Godzilla, the other is man with a large turtle shell covering his body. He has a missing right hand and has long, pointed tusks. This is Gamera. They are still carrying the unconscious Gyaos. They stop in front of the Demon Lord. Godzilla waves at her.

"Yo! What's up! Are the citizens okay?"

"Yes. They were unharmed by your friend..."

She stops speaking because when she glances over at Gamera, she feels such a strong presence of mana that she ca  actually see it. It's like a multicolored tornado, shimmering with power. She gulps.

" What was his name?"

"Gamera. The Atlantean legacy."

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