Chapter 3: Reawakening

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(Y/n) POV

"So this is where you live? Quite beautiful. For a building."

"What do you mean?"

"I told you, remember? Your worlds barriers changed me into this. If I had kept my original form, I would have crushed this entire structure."

"But then... you must be massive?"


"Are you telling me there are other creatures with massive sizes like you?"

"Pretty much."

"I see. Then the term "kaiju" is very well suited for you."


"Mother! Your back!"

Turning around, I see a group of people. Most of them were women, but there are two small children and a single man. The woman in the front has some similarities to the Demon Lord. Except she is shorter and has a much different aura. The group stops when they spot me.

"Mother? Who. Is. That?"

"Him? He is Godzilla, King of the Kaiju."

"Godzilla? Kaiju?"

"To simplify this man here is literally a god."

"Not really actually. I am just a balanced of nature. Incarnation of nature's ability to restore itself."

"Yes. That. Godzilla, this is my daughter Druella. Druella this is Godzilla."

"Nice to meet you."

I put my hand forward. I remember seeing humans doing it. I was watching from afar but I believe it's a gesture of greetings and respect. She stares at me. Suddenly she slaps my hand away.

"I will not shake hands with such a filth. Did your parents ever teach you to let a princess greet you first before you greet them?"

At the word of parents, I resisted the urge to slap her in the face. I start to glare at her.

"News flash kid. I was randomly brought into this world. The only times humans or human like creatures have ever come close to me is when they were trying to kill me. I know very little about how humans greet one another. So stop acting like a spoiled brat before I slam you into the floor."

"How dare you threaten me! I am over 200 years old! I am not a child!"

There's a moment of silence between us. I realize that she thinks she is superior to me because she thinks she's older. I burst into laughter. She and everyone around her seems genuinely shocked.

"Why... why are you laughing?"

"Because... hahaha... you think your older than me. It's hilarious!"

"I'm not? Impossible! I am one of the oldest beings in this world. I have corrupted many people into servants for my Mother. What have you done?"

"Hmm, let me think. I was born when life was at its peak. Some of theses creatures were so large that they could crush you underfoot. I lived through several mass extinctions. Saw my parents sacrifice their lives to stop the God of Extinction from wiping everything off the face of the Earth and save my life. Go dormant. Reawaken. Saw humanity evolve their civilizations. Saw civilizations rise and fall. Watched as humans progressed with weapons, until finally I decided to go dormant. Then I reawaken and start searching for food. Humanity tries to kill me with weapons that harness immense destructive power, except they didn't know that I feed on the energy they used for the weapon. Finally, they gave up when their final weapon, Castle Bravo. failed to kill me, destroying an entire isle in the process. So your wisdom is as much worth as a pebble compared to what I've seen."

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