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I grabbed a large suitcase from the back of the coat closet near the front door to my apartment. I hadn’t touched a suitcase since I moved into this apartment. I opened it up and put the book that Legend and Cayson had given me at the bottom of it before packing anything else. I then went into my room and grabbed an armful of clothes from my dresser. I brought them back to the suitcase and stacked them neatly inside, pressing them down so that I could fit more stuff.

After I had packed all of my clothes and toiletries I was exhausted. Then, I remembered that I had some money in a safe under my bed. You never know when you’re going to need a little rainy day money. I ran to my room and dug around under my bed until I found the safe. I tried to open it. Locked. It was then that I remembered that the key was taped to the inside of my now empty sock drawer. I took out the key and opened up the safe. Two thousand and fifty dollars. I folded up the cash and put it in between some shirts in my suitcase.

I took a glance at the clock. 4:30am. I had been up all night packing. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon casting a dim and fiery glow on the city. The light was the color of flames and reflected off the windows of the buildings and the lake.

Seeing the sun begin to rise made me remember to pack my art kit. I ran into my room and pulled it out from underneath my dresser. It worked kind of like a suit case. It had a handle and some locks on it. I decided I would carry it separate on the train. I closed up my suitcase and carried both my art set and suitcase out of my apartment for the last time. Locking the door behind me.

On the way out of the building I rang the doorbell at the penthouse apartment, where my landlord lived. She opened the door with a smile on her face. I held the keys in front of her face and she stuck out her hand so that I could give them to her.

“Goodbye, Gerard,” she said with the fake friendliness in her voice.



Sorry for yet another short chapter, guys. I've been working really hard to get to the really important plot points and trust me, we're getting deeper and deeper into the story. I've been working really hard on this story and I am really excited about it, so I really appreciate you guys for reading it. I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. I know it might be a bit dull at points, but I'm raising the energy level in future chapters. I also appreciate all of you guys who comment and leave me constructive criticism. I love improving my writing. Keep reading and commenting and don't forget to illustrate scenes and send them to me through my email ( ) or through my ask box on tumblr ( )


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