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I went home after quitting work. How was I supposed to get money? What kind of job was I supposed to get in New Orleans? Who is after Frank? Why is someone after Frank? What’s going to happen to the coffee shop when we leave?

My house was colder than usual. I looked around at all the furniture that I was going to be leaving behind. There weren’t that many memories in my apartment. Actually, there weren’t any at all. My life had been quite uneventful before I met Frank. The only memories I had were in the house that I grew up in with my mom and dad and brother.

It was then that I realized that it’s been a very long time since I had spoken to my brother. I’ve been so busy with work and just got caught up in the bore and snore of everyday life that I just kind of forgot to call him.

Mikey and I were really close until he got a job in the city. My brother was the assistant to the mayor. Whatever the mayor wanted, was Mikey’s job. He gets a pretty good pay, I guess, but he’s always busy, and so am I.

I picked up the phone and dialed my brother’s phone number. It rang once before he picked up.


“Hey, Mikes,” I said cheerily. “How are you. It’s been so long.”

“I know. I miss you. I guess I’m okay. There’s been a lot of controversy about this whole comic fire thing. I don’t even understand why they do it. They’re just comic books. What’s the point of burning them. There’s nothing wrong with them.”

“Apparently it’s to protect the city from crimes, but quite frankly there are very few crimes to begin with.”

“Yeah. It’s pretty calm around here. So how have you been.”

“I’ve been great! There’s a new barista at the coffee house named Frank and-” I stopped myself before telling Mikey about the colors. What if I’m not supposed to tell anyone? I guess I’ll just skip the the news that I had to give him about me moving. “I’m moving away,” I said sorrowfully.

“Moving? What part of town? Uptown? Downtown? The city? The Valley?”

“I’m moving out of town, Mikey.”

“What?! Nobody ever leaves Monroeville.”

“I know. I’m moving to New Orleans.”

“But...but why?”

“Because…” Do I tell him why? “I need a change of pace.”

“Oh. I understand. Did you tell mom and dad yet?”

“No not yet, but I probably should. I’ll talk to you later, Mikes. Love you.”


I ended the call and dialed my parent’s phone number slowly. I put the phone to my ear and waited for someone to pick up.

“Hello?” It was my mom’s calm voice coming through the phone.

“Hi mom. It’s Gerard Listen I-” My mom cut me off.

“How are you, honey?”

“I’m okay. Mom I need to tell you something.”

“And what might that be?”

“I’m moving.”

“Oh? Where are you moving to? Is it closer to your brother? Is it just to a different apartment building? Why don’t you get a nice little house instead of an apartme-”

“New Orleans.”

“New Orleans? Why would you move there when you live in a place like Monroeville?”

“I just needed a change of scenery.”

“Okay. Well, you better call me.”

“I will, mom.”

“Love you, honey. I’ll tell your dad when he gets home from work. Oh and don’t forget to say goodbye to grandma Elena.”

“I will, mom.”

“Okay bye, honey.”

“Bye mom,” I said before ending the call. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my eyes before standing up and looking around the room. What to pack, what to pack. Then, the book that Legend and Cayson gave me earlier that day caught my eye. What was that book?


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