For your own good

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On my way to work I ran into Legend. It wasn’t that I ran into him. I walked by the warehouse and he just kinda grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. The shades were drawn and the only light in the room came from a single lamp standing in the corner.

“Wha- What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain when Frank gets here. Take a seat.” I did as he told me. Legend seemed to be quite worried about something that must have been extremely urgent. Legend ran around the room rummaging through some boxes and crates that were scattered about the warehouse. After a few minutes some light from outside was let inside from the door to the warehouse. Just then I saw Frank being thrown into the building by a young man with hair the color of the sun at sunset.

“Cayson,” Legend Shouted at the man with sunset hair. “Come over here. Frank, take a seat.”

Frank scurried over to me with a nervous and scared shock in his face. “What’s happening,” he whispered.

“I don’t know,” I said under my breath. “Legend seems worried about something. I’m not sure what, though.”

Frank nodded just as Cayson and Legend rushed over, each holding a book.

“What’s this,” I asked.

“Take it home. Read it,” Cayson explained.

“What’s this all about,” Frank asked.

“They’re after you. They’re after all of us.”

“What,” Frank mumbled in confusion.

“We know you have them, and you and Gerard are linked. Your souls are bound together. Everything you do affects Gerard. If they’re after you they’re after him too,” Cayso began to explain. “That’s why I’ve been running with Legend for the last year. They’ve been chasing him since we left Montana.”

“What are you talking about,” I said.

“Frank. They’re tracking you down. They caught your dealer and now they’re looking for you. And, like we said before, if they’re looking for you, they’re looking for Gerard too. If you guys get too far apart, bad things can happen.”

“If we get too far apart? What-” Frank was interrupted by Legend.

“You have to leave monroeville with us.”

“What? What about my job,” I asked in bewilderment.

“You have to resign. We’re leaving town. They’re looking for all of us. They’ve been looking for Cayson and me for the longest time. Who knows how long we’ll be living in New Orleans. They might never catch us there. It’s far enough, I mean… It’ll be hard for them to-”

“New Orleans?!” My voice cracked, as I might just cry. This was the place where my grandmother had died. I’d never really thought of leaving. If I left, it would mean disconnecting from her. I wouldn’t be able to visit her on her birthday. It wouldn’t be the same. “I can’t leave.”

“Gerard, I know you have some kind of connection to Monroeville and you feel like you have to stay, but you have to come to New Orleans with us. It’s for your own good. It’s for Frank’s good,” Legend said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked down at the dirty floor sadly.

“Can I say goodbye to my grandma before we go?”

“Yeah, why not? Our train leaves at six tomorrow morning. I suggest you go resign from work and start packing.” I couldn’t bare to choke out another word. I simply nodded struggled to get to my feet. I exited through the same door that I had entered from and began walking to work. The walk that day felt less like a commute and more like a funeral march.

I guess I had to say goodbye eventually.

[A/N:Thanks for everyone who has been actively reading and leaving comments and things like that. I'm finally getting deeper into the story I'm so excited:) Don't forget to submit your illustrated scenes to my email ( ) or over my tumblr ( )
Keep reading and keep commenting. I appreciate it!
-Dani <3]

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