New Barista

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As usual, I woke up before the sun  came up. I was in the darkness and quietness of the morning haze. My eyes fluttered open. I was still looking at the ceiling, as I had fallen asleep the night before. I didn’t toss or turn or even make the slightest movement in my sleep.

I opened my mouth wide and yawned as I sat up in bed, running a hand through my hair and scratching my neck. I stretched my legs and arms and cracked my back and neck. Rubbing my eyes, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and staggered into the living space and continued into the kitchen, where I pulled a bowl from a cabinet and took out a box of Rice Krispies cereal. I set them down on the counter and opened the fridge, clutching the milk carton and pouring some into my bowl of cereal.

The clock said 4:10. After I ate breakfast I would have time to shower, like I did every morning.

I shoveled the cereal into my mouth as a few early birds began to walk the vacant streets. Many of them were talking to other people. Most of them were elderly, but there were a few kids getting early starts on their walks to school and some people going in early to work. Some were simply strolling or out on the town, too.

I finished my cereal and placed the empty bowl in the sink and practically ran into the little bathroom. The door swung shut behind me and closed with a gentle thud. I pulled my soft shirt that I had worn the night before off over my head and slid the pants down my legs and left all my clothes strewn about on the light tiled floor.

I pulled open the light tinted, silicon shower curtain to reveal the medium tone shower with a metallic showerhead and wide array of shampoos and conditioners and various face washes that were perched on the ledge of the shower. In the corner by the showerhead was a small tray for a bar of soap, which was occupied by a strange medium tone soap.

I stepped onto the cold shower floor and closed the curtain behind me. I reached for the metal knob of the shower and turned it a bit to the left. The showerhead burst to life and doused me in warm, crystal clear water. It invigorated me, making me feel completely refreshed and awake.

I reached for a face wash and put a dime sized dollop in the palm of my hand. I rubbed the cleanser all over my face starting at my pixie-like nose and scrubbing it all the way out to my chin, forehead and cheeks.

I ripped a bottle of shampoo off the shelf and massaged it into my black hair before conditioning it. Next, I grabbed the bar of soap and a washcloth that I kept draped over the rod that was holding up the shower curtain and rubbed the soap into the washcloth and rubbed the washcloth over my body. After rinsing the soap off my body I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a clean, fluffy towel.

Now, fully cleansed, I went to my room and opened up my dresser once again. I decided to wear a black collared shirt and a pair of dark skinny jeans with a shiny belt. I rolled down the sleeves on the shirt and ran my fingers through my hair, in attempt to style the messy locks.

I looked at the time.

Exactly 5:00 in the morning.

I turned to look out the window and see the sky fading from night to day and the morning sun peaked over the horizon. It reflected on the river and glistened across the streets. More and more people were filling the road below, bustling to and fro doing various things.

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