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“I knew it,” Legend shouted just as we walked in the door to the small warehouse I see him go into every morning.

“Knew what,” I asked.

“Frank-” Legend was interrupted by Frank’s confusion.

“How do you know my name?”

“That’s not important right this second. What’s important is the colors. You guys are both seeing them, right.”

Neither of us said a word. We only nodded.

“Okay, So here’s the deal..” Legend stopped in his words. “You know what, maybe I shouldn’t tell you.”

“I think you should tell us,” I said.

“Well… It’s kind of hard to explain. Wait… Gerard that bruise on your leg. Let me see it.” I did as Legend said, seeing as his voice showed urgency. I revealed the mysterious bruise. Frank looked at my knee in confusion.

“I have a bruise in that same ex-” Legend interrupted Frank.

“Frank roll do exactly what Gerard just did.”

Frank rolled up the same pant leg as Gerard and sure enough there was a bruise in the exact same place. Just as Legend saw the bruise on Frank’s leg his eyes lit up.

“I knew it!”

“Knew what?”

“I knew it! You guys are perfect!”

“Wha-” Legend interrupted Frank.

“Okay, I see you two are extremely confused. Let me explain. Ever since you two have met, you started seeing the colors, right?”

“Right, but-” Yet again Frank was interrupted by a babbling Legend.

“And Frank you got that bruise on your leg, how?”

“I bumped into my bed in the morning… but I don’t see how this-”

“And that bruise just so happened to show up in the exact same place on Gerard, but he didn’t do anything to get it.”

“How is this relevant to-” Legend interrupted me.

“This happened to me before. Last year, when I met Cayson.”

“Who’s Cays-”

“My boyfriend.” The room went silent.

“So, how does this pertain to us,” Frank asked, breaking the silence.

“Well, I think that when you find your one true love, your soulmate if you will, that these changes start to undergo.”

“We’re not-”

“You may think that, Frank. You may think that now, but sometimes your true love comes into your life in such a mysterious way that you don’t see that you’re meant for eachother right away. For some people, you realize it instantly. For others, it’s a process. Sometimes, it just takes a kiss to realize that they’re the one. Everything will change. Everything.”

I remained silent, my mouth opened slightly, my breath becoming heavy. Frank, on the other hand, looked bewildered at what Legend had just said. His jaw was dropped to the floor, his brow was furrowed, his hands were shaking.

“Wha-” Legend interrupted Frank for the last time that day.

“Well, goodbye now,” Legend said cheerfully as he practically shoved me and Frank out the door.

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