Chapter 8

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Caught And Bored

"We have no choice but to accept the one and only life we are given, no matter how cruel and heartless it might be"
~ Yuri Nakamura (Angel Beats) ~

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Speech
"No" - Electronic or Persona
*More* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Chapters!" - Super Moves

~ Well... I got a discord... ~

The very next day, Izumi nearly forgot all about the villain activity from yesterday due to CR taking a nap and all that kind of stuff. So that leaves TL and Deku to control Izumi's body, though the obvious choice was TL who wasn't going to embarrass Izumi throughout the day. Anyway, she left her bedroom in her pajamas to go make breakfast for herself and her family if they were home.

Though the black-haired man in the living room and the white-haired girl with him didn't say anything as they looked at Izumi's... figure. To be fair, she walked down the stairs with her top unbuttoned and her bottoms were sagging off her hip. Yet she didn't notice it as she went to make breakfast for them, not even caring about what she would do for the day.

So it went by as normally as any other morning as Izumi ate breakfast, took a shower, and got dressed in her uniform. Continuing this normal day, she went to school and her homeroom was replaced with a study hall, leading to other classes that she barely paid attention in. Finally, her last class of the day was Foundational Hero Studies which was replaced with crime analysis of the eight precepts of death. Thankfully, it didn't show too much recent documentation about the group, so Izumi should be somewhat safe for now.

"Young Midoriya, we need you in the principal's office." Said All-Might after the class ended, which conflicted a recently woken up persona and made another nervous.

"Alright, sensei. Can you lead me to the principle's office then?" She asked in the most sincere voice she could muster, though it wasn't too hard for Tender Love.

Without an answer, All-Might grabbed onto Izumi's shoulder and ran towards the principal's office. Ending in a more messy-haired Izumi and a few upskirts for the lucky students who got the chance to see lacy white panties.

Not even knocking or doing anything properly, All-Might opened the door and gestured Izumi into a small office where Nezu sat on an elevated chair to see over his desk. Even so, he seemed more serious than his little animal-hybrid body would let on.

"Midoriya, sit down." He ordered as Izumi sat in a chair with All-Might standing in front of the door, but now she was eye-level with the hybrid principal. "Now, we're onto you and your plans. So you either tell us what All For One is planning or we'll have to keep you in solitary confinement."

'That was... fast...' Thought Izumi's personas collectively before Izumi blinked and her eyes appeared red instead of the pink they were before. "And what gives you those ideas?" She asked cautiously without trying to make any sign that she was lying.

"We have footage of you helping villains and we've looked into your family. Not only do you have an orphan in your possession that was stolen from another villain group, but your father is also All For One, correct?"

"Spot on." She replied without fear as All-Might seemed to get tense. "But I still couldn't tell you all Tou-san has planned because I only know the first step of the plan he had me play out."

"Then tell us what you know." Said All-Might from behind Izumi, but she didn't even get startled or turn around to face the oversized man. "You know I trusted you with One For All. It'd only be right for me to know more about what you plan to do with that power."

"Not much, sensei. I only plan to feed information to Tou-san and then follow his orders."

"Are you even alright following his plans blindly?" Asked Nezu who got a cup of tea from nowhere.

"Nope. But I know better than to trust a symbol. I'd rather place my faith into a plan instead of a man pretending to bring peace just by fighting." She said as she flared her version of One For All but quickly dispelled it. "But what will you do now? You already know that I barely know anything and even if I did, getting it out would be easy while using it would be quite difficult."

"We'll just end the story and let someone else take it up."


~ Shut up, I'm lazy. ~

A/N: I really don't care to finish this story because I'm bored as all living hell. If you want to write your own version, go ahead. Don't bother to tag me unless you want some advice, some help, or just want to put me there because I have an idea that isn't going to be used by me anymore.

But if you want to talk with some people, I have linked two discord servers in my bio/profile. Check it out since there's a discord app for your phone and computer.

See ya! (Random Photo)

See ya! (Random Photo)

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