Chapter 1

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Family Bonds: Reunited With You

"The idea of an afterlife where you can be reunited with loved ones can be immensely consoling - though not to me." - Richard Dawkins

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Telepathic or Electronic Communication
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Move, Quirk, or Ability

~ Onto The Story! ~

Izumi Midoriya, a 12-year-old girl that's a little too average in this unordinary society where everyone has a power to call their own. This is simply because she was quirkless, something she believed was a curse by some god out with a grudge. What makes it even worse, is that everyone she knows doesn't help her, they simply laugh and bully her for her lack of a quirk.

'Why does this world have to be so cruel?' Thought Izumi as her green hair started to get damp as the clouds became darker and it started to rain. 'For once in my life, can something not be miserable?' She continued to think as she walked home with her head held low.

But as she got home to her mother's small apartment, the lights were out, the window was shattered, and her mother was nowhere to be seen. By instinct, Izumi ran into her apartment only to meet the gaze of a man in all black with only his head and hands not covered by his clothing. Although there was one problem, the man held a knife in his hand and Izumi's mother, Inko Midoriya was lying against the wall with her eyes closed and her clothes soaked in blood.

"K-Kaa-s-san..." Izumi muttered out as she gazed at her mother's lifeless body before the man made himself known.

"Real shame you had to drop by now," He said calmly, making Izumi's spine shiver in fear. "Guess, I'll have to get rid of you too." Then he ran to the door, only to be met with a smack in the face with Izumi's oversized backpack.

"You... Heartless Monster!" She yelled as she threw her backpack at the man who fell to the floor and dropped his knife. Quickly, she reached for the knife and grabbed it before she stabbed the man right in the head. "That's for *pant* Kaa-san..." She said weakly before her body gave out on her and the last thing she saw, was her mother's dead body up against the wall.

When she came back to the land of the living, Izumi's vision was blurred by a ceiling light but she quickly adapted to it as she saw a white ceiling and recalled the previous events. 'This must be a hospital then and Kaa-san's really gone for good.' She thought morbidly and somehow kept her tears from falling.

Just then, Izumi tried to sit up but was stopped by a nurse who came into the room. "You're awake!" She said before stopping Izumi and helping her get up. "Everything seems in order," She mumbled while checking Izumi's vitals.

"N-Nurse... How long have I been here?" Izumi asked in a hoarse voice before the nurse gave her a glass of water.

"*sigh* It's been a week since your neighbor found you," She replied while sitting on a chair beside Izumi's bed. "A doctor should be coming to make your last checkup before you have to go to the police station." She informed Izumi as the said girl only looked through the window as a bird flew onto a branch near the window.

After a few moments of awkward silence, the door opened to reveal three men. The first was a doctor with short brown hair that led the other two into the room. The second was a black-haired man in a beige trenchcoat who Izumi assumed was an officer or detective of some kind. And last was a man in a suit, he had black hair that looked almost like a bush with some freckles to go with it.

"Glad to see you're awake, Midoriya-san. Just let me check real quick... " The Doctor said as he used his stethoscope to verify Izumi's heart rate before checking her IV. "Well, you should be good to go, but take it easy."

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