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  In the morning my stomach growls and then butterflies start to flutter in my tummy as i feel Seth kissing my cheek, I smile and look at him he's so sexy and cute i swear! "You hungry grandma fixed breakfast for everybody"

 I got up and started to run "Last one down is a rotten egg!!"

  I laugh as he yells "That's no fair!"

 He gets up and starts running behind me but I'm just to quick  i wait for him at the foot of the stairs "Beat you."

  He smiles with an evil grin and picks me up i wrap my arms around his neck and look into his eyes he looks so happy and i can feel how happy he is. I feel my chest purring and vibrating i feel so comfortable in his arms. He slowly lets me down i walk away and sit down where i was  yesterday and he does so too as well. Everybodys here eating except for Dasha "Wheres Dasha?"

   Everybody looks down at her spot when i ask.

   "Moving out."

Seth's grandma Deena, "What aren't you scared she going to tell?"

  "No i talked to her and acted like i cared about her and now she's leaving thank god!"

Everybody laughs but i know its my fault but i cant help what Seth and i feel for each other and she brought that punch upon herself really. We all scarf down our food after breakfast i don't know what to do i don't have any clothes..... as if Seth could hear my thoughts he stands up and tells me to get dressed he gives me some basket ball shorts and a muscle shirt god i look like a boy. i walk out of the bathroom and Seth looks all nicely dressed and i look like poo. "Lets go shopping."

 He takes my hand and pulls me to the car outside we drive into a little villa in the next town over we enter a shop and everything is so beautiful and colorful. "Get anything you want doesn't matter the price."

  I go around the whole shop and pile clothes on the counter and try everything on dresses shoes pants shorts heals yes heals. Everything fits perfect i used to hate shopping but with Seth its fun he plays with me and try's on some bras just to make me laugh yea this guy it to freaking perfect. A whole day of shopping I'm exhausted and ready to EAT!!! He looks down at my stomach as it growl "Hungry?"

  I nod my head and he puts all the bags in the car we had to take a BMW ewww but we were shopping and I'm sure everything wouldn't fit in his car. We go to a little restaurant that has twinkle lights all over the ceiling it so pretty in here. "Do you like Italian?"

   "I love it."

 He smiles all big and holds my hand....... Wait we are getting to close i pull my hand away and all the feeling of bliss crashes into a pool of sorrow. I flinch at the feeling and Seth's smile drops. I cant get close to him no. This isn't right i suddenly don't even want to eat their is a whole in my stomach making me feel sick.

   Before we can even order i walk out and head to the car. All i want to do is cry and scream I'm so frustrated. I can feel the pressure of Myra she is hurting as well Seth comes out and unlocks the car i sit in it quickly and stay looking out the window. He starts the car and takes off quickly the whole drive was quiet and painful i just wanted to run this steam off. When we pulled up to the house i ran up the porch steps and up the stairs to Seth's room i laid in the bed and cried my eyes out for 20 minuets and waited for Seth for 3 hours its already 10 at night and he hasn't shown up. i go downstairs and Deena Seth's grandma is in the lounge room reading a book. "Deena wheres Seth?"

  "In the woods ruining, he's working out."


  "Is there something wrong my dear?"

      "I don't know i just- never mind."

"Tell me dear we are going to be friends a very long time."

    I sit next to her on the couch and face her, "I have this strong pull too Seth."

 "Ahhh yes a lot of girls are like that with Seth."

   "No not like that it's like when he's not around or if we are not touching some how in some way i feel like i want to die like my heart is just in terrible pain."

  She grabs my face and hugs me tightly. "Oh no my dear, your his mate."

    I start to sob not because I'm sad but because I'm sort of happy, I'm for sure know that I'm not crazy not only does my wolf say I'm his mate but his Grandma thinks so to so it must be true. "Whens your birthday dear?"

  "4 days."

     "Its going to be hard for you to stay away from your mate your goin to want Seth in every way possible you must not let him mark you only wen the moon starts to give you your power and magic your body's going to change a bit and it can be very painful. If you mate marks you when its time it will not hurt at all you Will want him in the most ultimate way. It has to happen and if its meant to be you could end up pregnant but it is the way you turn completely."

  "You mean i have to have sex with him and i could end up pregnant and i will be tied to him forever and theirs nothing i can really do about it?"

  "Well it all sounds crazy and weird but its the truth and once you start going through the changes you will realize there is no other way and you can not fight the feelings that you and your wolf have for your mate."

  I try to breath and try to comprehend all this its like some horrible novel and i cant get out but this is real why does this have to be real? I cant handle being this way.  "And what if i refuse all of this everything?"

   "Your mate will die of a broken heart."

 She got up and left me on the couch yea i can tell she's mad at me but how am i supposed to react i mean I'm not some stupid girl that falls in love with a guy because of his looks and stuff its just not like that for me. I need time dates romance, i saying all this and Myra is yelling at  need all of that and that i cant hurt Seth because it would hurt me and she is telling the truth. I hate hurting him i really do i can feel his pain in my heart and it feels so ugly. I'm done hurting him I'm done with it. I go upstairs and take a shower i step in the hot falling water and hear a door close it was more like a slam and i can feel the the anger in my heart from him... Theirs hate in him.... Does he hate me? I start to cry i fall to the floor. Theirs a knock on the door. "Yea?"

  "Lyla are you okay?"

     "Umm - yea I'm fine."

 "Lyla don't lie to me i can feel it."

  Damn, i turn the shower off and warp my self in a towel and try myself of quickly put my clothes on. When i open the door Seth is right out side it leaning on the door frame with no shirt on body dripping muscles glistening and my stomach turning in knots. I look down at my feet and try to catch my breath he lifts my Chin for me to look at him tears in my eyes. "Whats wrong Lyla?"

  I wrapped my arms around his neck "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

  Our lips crash together and passionate fill our bodies we are connected in a secret bod and our bodies set on fire and all i want to do is rip his clothes off but even though we want to we both know we cant, both of us on the bed him on top of me our  lip still together and wanting never to part. We both stopped and the same time and looked into each others eyes, "Seth, you're my mate."

   "I am?"

 His smile got so big i thought he knew already he pulled me to his chest and we hugged each other tightly, "I knew this wasn't normal it had to be more than just me really likening you because oh my god Lyla i love you!"

 I kissed him and looked into his Green eyes as we parted lips, "Seth i- i,"

   "You don't have to say it i can feel it."





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