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 We stayed up all night talking and getting to know each other turns out Seth's wolf name is Mike how simple right thank god i thought it was going to be something hard. When we finally went to sleep it was 8 in the morning and we had to draw the curtains to  keep the sun out. When we woke it was 6 in the afternoon. I nudged Seth to wake up and he jumped and grabbed me and put me behind him like something was going to get me. I have two more days till i turn and i am so scared that it's going to hurt. "Seth whats wrong?"

  He shook his head "Nothing I'm sorry instinct."

 That was hot i wanted to jump his bones gaaa he's so sexy. I bite my lip and he turns and looks at me and smells the air "I can smell your aroma its strong sets me off!"

  I hear the growl in his chest damn he knows i want him my voice becomes shaky. "I'm hungry."

 I get off the bed and run downstairs and he laughs as he rushed down with me. "I know you're avoiding it Lyla!!"

  "I have to remember!"

 We both laugh and head to the kitchen I open the refrigerator door i don't know what to eat though. "You want me to cook?"

 I look at Seth "You can cook?"

 He nods his head and i smile as he moves me out of the way and starts getting food and ingredients out of the fridge and cabinet's. I sit on the bar stool and watch him cook. I wonder what he's making i see vegetable and meet. "Stew?"

  "The best stew in the world you better make enough for me bro please!"

  Alex says when he walks in Seth sinkers a little and nodded his head to Alex,  Alex smiles and sits next to me and watches Seth make the food with me. "So how did you two meet?"

 We both look at each other Seth and i.


 "Class? That's it? Just class?"

 "Yeah, just Class."

  "Well i bet y'all two are happy y'all met in Class"

      "Very." Seth and i said at the same time.

  When the food is ready all the boys come in from outside "AWWWWWW Dude!! did you make enough for all of us?"

  "No just for me Seth and Lyla that's what y'all get from cheating!"

 "Dude we didn't cheat at basketball you just suck!"

    "Calm down calm down i made enough for everybody to even have Third helpings."


  "Go get washed up first you guys stink!"

 I say and they all roll their eyes then smile when i get a hurt look on my face, "AWWW Lyla you know we love you!!"

  "No y'all are mean!"


they all give me a group hug their sweaty buff body's all over my EWWW!!! "Y'all are getting me all sweaty gross!!!!"

  "Say you love us and we will stop."

  Alex says.


    "Come on guys squeeze harder!"


    They all let go and laugh "Go get washed up you stinky pups.!"

  "We are older than you!!"

 They all say scattering off to get washed up. "Your going to be a good mom to our pup."

  I felt a kick of happy, excitement and, lust.He felt it too because he grabbed on to the counter as if it were going to crumble in his hands his head down i took deep breaths and tried to relax. When i look up Seth is in front of me his chest rising his as he breath the look in his eyes they makes me set fire. "Seth we need to calm down we have to wait till tomorrow."

   He puts his forehead on my shoulder his whole body shaking i hold I'm for 30 minuets. When the boys come in he steps back and get the food into bowls. i go to his side and give I'm a sweet kiss then help him as the boys make a line. "Y'all smell better."

  "We took showers so we wouldn't get turned away."

 "Good thinking i bet y'all got cold showers though."

    We all laughed because we all have our own shower and only 4 shower heaters so I'm sure they got cold showers. They sit down and wait for me and Seth to sit down the second we sit down we all scarf our food down. "Wheres Deena?"

  "She went to her boyfriends house."

  "I thought she was goin to be here when i change its tonight!"

 "Don't worry all you need is me."

 I look at Seth and all the boys go "OOOOOHHHHHH."

 And wink their eyes at Seth and i, my blush gets so deep ugh i swear. I smile at him then finish my bowl of Stew it was soooooo good i swear it was the best i have ever eating i could eat it all day if i could. After eating dinner the boys challenge me to football, "I'm going to show you girls can play foot ball you wieners!"

  They all laugh as we get in out positions the ball is in the air i tackle a guy names Daren hard i think i heard a crack on his arm, I get up slowly and he smiles at his broken arm.

  "I am so sorry Daren!!!"

 "Ohhhh shhhit Lyla your amazing!!!!"


 "No body can get Daren down look at him he's huge."

 Seth says with a shocked look on his face..... "What? Alex is he joking?"

    Alex shakes he's not able to talk due to the shock. I help Daren up and pop his arm back into place and everybody watches in amazement.

   "Im a freak right I'm a freaking freak?!"

  Tears start to come out of my eyes, Seth hugs me as i cry "No Lyla your not a freak your the strongest female we have ever known your stronger than us, it just mean you might be a worry wolf."

 "A WHAT!?"

 They all laugh  "A  Warrior Wolf Lyla a wolf with the strength of 5 wolfs in one you are born to be a pact leader if chosen you protect your pack."

  "Well thank god I'm not being chose right?!"

 I start to laugh and they all look down What no i cant be chosen! "No guys i cant be no y'all are crazy."

  "If we chose you and grandma Deena chooses you, you have to. Its your destiny."


    They all nod this is a lot of pressure oh my god i will have to be a pact leader im going to be only a young wolf how am i supposed to be a pact leader with no knowledge!?!

  I start to walk away from the huddle of the guys i walk in to the woods and start to run i have to get this stress off. I run for what seems like forever and stop and look up at the sky, I forgot its night time now everything still seems as if it were day time. Shit what time is it?

   I run back to the house where everybody is waiting at the front for me.

    "Why are you guys out here?"

  "Lyla its 11:30!!!!! Where have you been?!?!?!"

   Seth grabs me in his arms and hugs me tightly  "Come on we have to get you ready for tonight."

  I run upstairs with Seth as he gets my shower ready. I shower quickly and get in my new robe we bought the other day. No sense in getting dressed up if it all going to be ripped off right?






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