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  "We are now on lift off."

The smile on my face is indescribable i look at Seth as the plane starts to roll on the ground "We made it!"

 The grabs my hand and squeezes it hard intertwining our fingers. I pull my hand away and played off that i was scratching my face but he noticed. I could literally feel the hurt and rejection in my heart. In a way it kind of hurt me by pulling way, what the hell is up with this heart of mine? I think i should look up more about werewolf's so i know what to expect when i turn oh god I'm almost 18 I'm scared. It's probably going to hurt.

    "Hey Seth?"

 he looks at me "What?"

 "Is it going to hurt? You know when i turn?"

    He puts his hand on my cheek and graces his thumb on my cheek softly "Ill be there when you do and I'll make sure to help you. We all will."

"Okay." I smile and he takes his hand off my cheek and closes his eyes i guess he's going to sleep and i should too after running  8 miles. Wow i ran 8 miles ha i guess i should have took up track eh? I laugh to myself  and look out my window we are in the air i see grey and blue below us just green and yellow. i close my eyes and put my head on Seth shoulder his scent fills me and i drift off to sleep.

 I see Eddie I'm on the floor in a big room theres blood every where And i don't see Seth anywhere I'm calling for him but he's doesn't answer. I look up as Eddie walks to ward me theirs blood on his knuckle am i bleeding? He strikes me on the face. "Your my mate if I can't have you nobody can!"

   He strikes my face and i jump, I awake my breathing heavy I'm sweating Seth jumps because i wake him "Im sorry."

 "Are you okay?"

 I nod my head and gab his hand and squeeze it as a sharp pain in my head.

  "Lyla whats wrong tell me what you're feeling."

"A sharp pain in my head."

   "Its your wolf trying to come out, She's trying to talk to you. Just relax and make your head blank."


   I try to relax my hand still in Seths i breath deeply and slowly and clear my head.

 "Lyla oh god he's touching our hand." The voice sounded so beautiful. i have to talk through my thought.

  "Your voice in so pretty, whats your name?"

 "Myra my sweet, is your mate near?"


   "Yes i sense him but he feel so far. Maybe its because you haven't turned yet."

 "Myra is it goin to hurt?"

 "Ill make it as painless as i can sweets."

  I could feel the love she has for me and i could feel the love i have for her. I feel her drift off. I open my eyes and smile at Seth. "Well?

  "I like her."

 "You have to." Light chuckles in his chest.

    "How long where we asleep?"

   "3 hours. We should be their in another 2 hours,"

 I get up excusing my self to the restroom I guess those two bottles of water are getting to me,

  When i get to the door their is a guy standing their waiting too he smiles at me hey he's kind of cute.



   "Whats your name?"

 "Lyla. you?"


 "Are you single?"

    "No she's not so go away."

 I turn to see Seth his hands into fist his face pinkish ohhhh he's mad. I look at the guy with apologetic eyes he turns as the bathroom door opens and goes in.

  "Why did you do that?"

 "I-Im sorry i don't know, I.... Im sorry."

   He turns to walk away i grab his hand and pull him gently to me he looks up with sad eyes and my heart melts he's so cute! Those green hazel eyes filled with shame and sadness. I tip toe a bit and kiss him on the cheek he smiles big and now he's pinkish from blushing. "Go sit down you dork."

  He bites his bottom lip and does as i say with his hands in his pockets. The guy comes out and smiles  "Im sorry about that."

  "Na its okay if you were mine id be the same way."

  "B-but."  Oh forget it i let him walk away and go to the restroom.





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