
911 22 3

  In the morning i awake with a sore body it hurts to move and i really don't want too. I yell for my mom she comes to my room bringing me some strong painkillers the doctor gave her for me. I swallow them quickly and she helps me get up, I go to the bathroom and she leaves me alone i look in the mirror and all the bruises have got darker i look so ugly I don't want anybody to look at me. I hear the door bell ring and i already know who it is. I hear yelling downstairs i stumble to the stair case "Let him in mom!"

  "Your crazy, Lyla he's crazy too; he's not coming in here."

 "I need to talk to him." I wink at my mom and her mouth does an "O" She opens the door wider i see him come inside. I feel a spark, he's wearing my favorite shirt i got him on our 6 month anniversary, my heart starts beating and I don't think i can do this.

 I watch him come up stairs i go to my room and we sit on the bed. I keep my head down because I don't want to look at him. He knows how and what to do to keep me with him it sucks he has some sort of power over me. He lifts my head and touches a bruise i suck air threw my teeth and he lets go.

  "I'm sorry."

 "For that or beating me?"

"Both Lyla i love you, you're my girl."

   "I'm not your girl, I'm not your property Eddie. You're a horrible boyfriend."

  "Don't say that baby you don't mean that."

He starts to kiss my cheek and then neck i feel a hint of tingles. But it feels so wrong. He kisses my lips gently due to my busted lip. His head under my shirt this doesn't feel rite. I can't do this, i sit up and push him off and stand up. He stands up to i grab his face and kiss him one last time.

  "It's over, Eddie."

"What no, no l]Lyla, you can't leave me."

   "I can, and i am. We are over I'm done with you beating me and acting like im you property i deserve better."

 "You little bitch! I waisted so much time one you!"

 "No, i waisted time on you! I never loved you the love i had for you ended the first day you hit me! GET OUT!!!"

  "This isn't over Lyla watch!"

 "I'm watching you leave bye now."

He raises his hand and i get ready for the blow to my face but it never comes i look up and i see Seth holding his hand and my dad behind Seth. Ohhhhh shhhhhhhhit hes in trouble!!!

  "You touch her again and you'll be sorry!" Seth says his jaw popping out his face turning pinkish my my dad grabs Eddies shirt and forces him down the stairs. Seth pulls me to him and sits  on  the bed with me and coos me i keep sobbing.My head down I don't want him to see my face like this.

"Why, Why aren't you at school?"

"I was on my way but i stoped by here to see you."

"Thank god."

"I told you i wasn't goin to let him hurt you agin Lyla."

My crying starts to slow he lifts my head and looks at me in my eyes "You don't need to hide your face you're still beautiful."

I can't help but smile he kisses my forehead, "I have to go to school."

I nod as he gets up i walk him to the door "Ill see you later take it easy Lyla"

"Okay hey be careful i don't trust Eddie."

"Dont worry i have back up."

"Back up?"

He grabs my hand and pulls me outside a bit and i see 5 badass cars behind his  filled with some rough looking tattooed guys our age. "Wow"

I smile all big "They're here for you too for when you come back to school. They just enrolled today."


i hug him tightly my arms around his neck his arms snake around my waist. I feel so safe with me in his arms. He lets go "I cant have these guy late on their first day."

He kisses my cheek and walks away I smile as all the loud cars start up and drive away. This guy is crazy but in a good way. Hes a good friend. I couldn't ask for a better one.

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