Chapter 20: Siege of Mushashi🇯🇵

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"Hai, Shirei-Kan!" The officer said as he run to inform the Cannon Crews. Rezhei's then turned to his remaining Men

"Listen to me, Soldiers of the Divine Emperor! Our great secret weapon, Type 89 Mega Cannon is now ready and operational for battle! We'll smash the Soviets quickly and send them to Jigoku! TENNO HEIKA BANZAIII!!!" He said as his men began to chant the Banzai war cry over and over again as they got back to their position, waiting for hell to be unleashed upon the Soviets

While on Zhukov's side, He and his Combined Forces are breaking through the Japanese Base Obstacles. All of the Japanese soldier had retreated to their base. Zhukov is determined on defeating the Japanese and capturing the Japanese base

"Alright, Comrades! This is it! The last of their defenses. Onwards to victory, Comrades! URAAA!!!" He ordered his men as they all let out war cry of 'Ura!' over and over again. They start advancing towards the enemy base with their tanks with their Artillery already sending shells on the last Japanese forces. Within a range, the Japanese Mushasi Base is in sight and is seen heavily defended by the IJA Troops. As they entered the destroyed Base's defenses they've broken through, They then began their all out assault charge toward the base alongside their base. When they're about to cross an abandoned Japanese trench however, a Huge Explosions followed by a distant shouting of 'Hute!'. The explosions are the effect of massive artillery's shell that tore through and destroyed ten Soviet T-78 Tanks, also killing the crews of the tanks

"What the!? What is that!?" Zhukov asked in Panic, looking at the destroyed tanks "Hold your Advance!" Zhukov ordered his Army to stop and got into a Defensive position. They can't see anything but smokes from the explosion, causing the Troops to be anxious of the situation. But then, not long after that, they heard shouting of 'Banzai!' from behind the smokes. As soon as they heard that, A swarm of maniacal looking Japanese Troops came charging towards Zhukov's Army with only bayonets, small arms, swords, and explosive trucks. But those weren't the only thing with them. Behind them, a massive Cannon was there with its barrel letting out smokes from previous shelling

"What the!? Comrades! Shift to defense! The Japanese are attacking! I repeat the Japanese are attacking!" Zhukov commanded his troops in shock at the sight of the Japanese Counter Attack

"Banzai!!!" The remnants of the Japanese Army war cried as they charged at their enemy. Cavalry with small firearms and swords, Infantry with small arms attached with bayonets, Trucks full of Explosive rushing in to hit the Soviet Tanks as it destroyed both Trucks and Tanks

"Stay calm, Comrades! Do not falter!" Zhukov ordered his Troops as he got inside his command Tank and let one of the Tank's crew to to operate the Tank's MG. When he got inside the Tank, he looks frustrated and angry

The real battle had just began with the Soviets holding their position behind the trenches while the Japanese launched a full scale counterattack at their foes. The Soviets took out at least 5000 Japanese Troops with Their Tanks while the Japanese took out 2000 Soviet Troops and 100 Soviet Tanks. The Battle was deadly. But it seems that the Soviets are losing and the Japanese had the advantage now, especially with their Type 89 Mega Cannon

"Blast it all! I thought we had it!" Zhukov said to himself and then he took his radio phone and called the other Tank Crews

"Comrades! I'm really sorry to you and the People that I led us to massacre. I should've known better that the Japanese have something up their sleeves" He said to his Comrades through the Radio speaker

"No, Comrade Secretary" All the Tanks Crew said in unison "It's not your fault, Comrade Secretary. It's the Japanese. They're the ones who trapped us and threw our comrades to their graves" one of the tanks crew said

On the Japanese side, they finally managed encircle the Soviets eventhough their size are rather smaller than those that the Soviets have mustered. Colonel Rezhei step forward in front of his Troops

"You Dastardly Communist! Never taking Lesson from anything huh? Your Filthy ancestor the Russian Empire couldn't even defeat us in Manchuria. Now you learn the strength of the Fearless and Divine Imperial Japan" he laughed evilly as he turned to one of his officer and gave his command

"Minagoroshi ni suru!" He told the Officer who bowed at him in reply

"Shirei-kan... zenbu korose!" The officer ordered as the Imperial Japanese troops are about to fired their guns and drive their explosive at the encircled Soviet Army

"Get ready, Comrades! We'll stand until the last blood is spilled" Zhukov commanded as everyone nodded or replied 'Yes, Comrade Secretary'. The Japanese were about to finish them off but then high caliber bullets and missiles came strafing from the sky at the Japanese Troops that encircled the Soviets. Looking up, a squadron of twenty British RAF Multi-Role Jets came into

"Oy! Russians! The Brits Pegasus are here! Come on and Fight em'!" a British Pilot shouted from the sky through his radio that was somehow connected with all of the radios inside all of the Soviet Tanks in presence

The Soviets lit up by this, one of their Allies are finally came in contact with them. Not only that, they also decided to join in the fight. This is a good chance to fight back the Japanese "Comrades! Onwards to Victory! Attack!" He commanded his Army as they begin their counterattack against the Japanese with the Support of the British Air Support, taking out a good number of Japanese Troops, Cavalries, Explosive Trucks, and Cannons. The Japanese then begin to Scream in panic but not for Colonel Rezhei. He drew out his Katana and then commanded all his troops to initiate another Suicide counterattack at the Enemy but without the support of the Type 89 which was destroyed by the British Jets not long after he gave the order for another Banzai Charge. In the end, the Soviets with RAF support captured Mushashi