| XVIII | Sacrifice

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*No POV*

"Scarlett, what do you mean?" Zane asked.

"Maybe I can stop him." Scarlett bumped her fists together. "But you have to trust me, Zane."

"I will always trust you." The nindroid nodded. "But you must hurry."

Her fists started to glow scarlet, until the color engulfed her entire body. Zane took multiple steps back as Scarlett was growing.

He knew exactly what was going on. "You're... turning into a dragon?"

Once the transformation had been completed, Scarlett spread her wings and flew toward the Golden Master.

"Whoa!" Jay shouted, squirming around to try and see the scene in front of him. "I've seen this twice now and it's still super cool!"

"Come on, Scarlett!" Kai called. "You can do it!"

"Just because you've changed forms does not mean you can resist the armor!" the Golden Master yelled.

Scarlett only flew closer in response, keeping away from the armor as he was right about that. He wasn't moving from his spot, so once she was close enough, she spit fire.

"Awesome!" Cole grinned.

"No!" the Golden Master cried. Before he was hit, he extended his arm and countered with golden power.

The distraction allowed the golden strings to release the ninja. They fell to the ground, forcing their eyes up at the scene above them.

The Golden Master formed a beam of golden power that hit her fire breath, and the two fought to dominate. Scarlett, although being a dragon, couldn't keep breathing fire forever.

But unfortunately, when she stopped for one second, the Golden Master caught the opportunity to shoot more of his golden power at her, causing her to fly back.

"Scarlett!" everyone shouted.

She soon returned, once again going for the Golden Master. However, one string wrapped around her wings, stopping her from flying.

Kai noticed her scales burning. "Guys... something's wrong!"

"Her scales... they're burning! She's burning!" Lloyd cried.

Scarlett was struggling against the strings, crying—more like bellowing, as she was a dragon—out as the golden power burned her. If she wasn't released, she could burn up completely.

"The Stone Armor is not protecting her in her transformed state!" Garmadon shouted. "She cannot handle the power of the Golden Weapons!"

"Such a shame..." The Golden Master closed his fists, the string tightening around the dragon. "The Master of the Dragon Flame must perish... once again, it will be what it once was—an ancient legend."

"Scarlett!" Zane called from the rooftop. "You must transform back, before it's too late!"

Scarlett heard her friend's call, and attempted to return to her human state. But the Golden Master's power was only tightening and causing her more pain, and she found it difficult to return.

Kai started running forward. "Scarlett!" Garmadon pulled him back, refraining him from getting himself hurt. "She's gonna burn! I can't let that happen!"

"We must have faith!" The sensei shook him. "We cannot intervene. This will only hurt more of us."

Hearing his father's words, Lloyd decided to shout at the top of his lungs, "Scarlett!"

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