CHAPTER 12 Caught

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The moon was full and the air was warm.
I quitetly snook out the door with a small bag wrapped around my shoulder with Food and spare clothes.
Oh! And my hairbrush.
I looked back at the house to see Alice looking out her window at me.
I put my finger up to my lips as if to say shhh.
She nodded at me.

My raft was tied onto the dock through my bag in and sat at the edge with my legs hanging off.
The water was still and you could see the releflection of the moon rippling gentaly.
I checked the time before I left the house it was ten minutes until midnight.
Luke shoud be here soon.

"Hey Maya " I heard someone say.

I turned around to see Luke with nothing with him but the clothes on his back.

" Are you ready? " I said.

" Bring it on!" He said smirking.

We untied the raft from the dock and we began to set off into the sea.

We talked for hours on end.
At one point I forgot where I was and what I was doing.

" You Know the people in this town always go on about a man that use to kidnap kids here.
Back when my grandma was a little girl.
She always use to tell me about her friend who dissappeared.
My grandma was convinced a man took her away in a raft. Then she started saying she could talk to her friend when she swam.
Everyone called her crazy!"

Alot of things ran through my mind. And one of them was the little girl underwater.

" I think I know her. " I said.

" You know my grandma? " Luke said surprised.

" No! Her friend who got murdered." I said quickly.

" What do you mean?" Asked Luke.

Just then we heared a noise of what sounded like a spend boat.
We saw it as it came closer to us.
A man was on it. He pulled up beside us.

" Get out of the raft imidioutly!"
He said angerly.

Worried I got right out and into the boat as did Luke.
He brought us back to the dock where we were greated by Lukes mom and Josie. And of course Alice.

" I'm so sorry Maya!" Said Alice.

I shook my head and quickly ran over to the beach.
I clunched up into a ball and started crying.

I felt a hand patting my back thinking it was Luke I looked up. It was Josie.

" Maya,why did you do that?"

" I have to go home!" I said.

" This is your home now its time to forget about that silly island Maya.
This is your life now."

I tought about it for a few minutes and then decided that Josie was right.
It was time to forget.

" I'm sorry,
let's go home mom." I said forceing a smile.

Josie was amazed.

" Okay, Daughter lets go home." She said smiling.

As we walked back along the beach I spotted something in the water.
It was the ghost girl.
We stared at eatchother for a while. Until she gave me a evil glare and dissappeared back into the ocean.

" I'm sorry..." I whispered.

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