CHAPTER 8 Driffting

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I stared back at the island as the waves drifted me further away in the yellow raft.
I was worried.
Mostly about what I am going to do when I get to the mainland.
That is if I even get to the mainland. Thats the thing I really diddent think about.
What if current takes me somewhere else. God forbid if I ended up on another frickin island!

I don't think I ever want to go near Water,Sand,Palm trees,Coconuts or Fish ever again!

The island looked smaller now nut I could still see the shack and forest.
Just then I saw a shadow like figure run quickly passed the shack and dissappear into the trees.
I perked up from where I was sitting and tried my best to try and see what it was until the island was only a tiny speck in a big ocean.

thoughts filled my mind about what that could have been. I was more worried now. What it couldn't be!...could it. repeated over and over In my head. Mabey it was another ghost who was simply stuck for some reason. Mabey it was Old Nick raised from the dead. Mabey it was Kate comeing back to look for me.

Then I rembered the ghost girl I met under water and how she told me she was trapped and couldn't leave the sea. I dont recall seeing her go into the light etire. But if she can't get out of the water then who was that??? What was that thing running across the island!

My mind was boggled. I thought long and hard about it for the rest of the night. Eventually  I saw the sunrise. The most magical thing I've seen yet. well...almost the most magical thing. The waves had stopped and the water was was flat. It's a pity this raft diddent come with any rows! I'll be here for ages! All I had with me was two coconuts, One banana, And a raw fish. I was hungry but diddent want to eat. Suddenly it started to get windy,
The waves started picking up.
The raft started to wooble.
the wind was really picking up fiercely now and the raft shook hard.
The clouds blocked the sun and the sky was pale.

The waves were getting higher and they started to spill into the raft. I huddled up in the middle with all the food and my family photo all tucked in underneath me as if I was a duck over her eggs. I looked up ahead of me to see a wave. A big wave! It was rolling at me fast and before I could do anything it came spilling over the raft takeing all my belongings with it includeing my photograph. I quickly jumped Into the sea and grabbed onto the side of the raft, tipped it over and poored the water out. I felt something tugging at my right foot under the water. I got frightened and tried to pull myself up onto the raft but the tugging got harder. it started to pull me down under. I opened my eyes to see the ghost girl with a worried look on her face.

" I should be gone with them!" she said angerly.

"Then why haven't you?" I asked.

" Because he is still out there "She said then quickly dissappear.

I swam back up to the top to find my raft had gone far ahead of me. I began to swim over to it.

I reached the raft and climbing back on. The waves had stopped and the sun was shineing. I breathed in heavily and coughing harshly.

"What dose she mean he's still out there?" I said out loud to myself.

I felt sick with worry at this stage.

What was I to do? go back to the island to be eaten!

Overtired and starving I decided to fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of people chattering. I sat up a rubbed my eyes. Around me there was a long wooden walk way going along the bay.
There were a few boats docked there aswell. It was full of people. Real live people! The sky was clear blue and the sun streamed down more then ever.
I noticed that a crowd of people had all bundle together and we're stareing over at me strangely." Oh no!" I thought. What if they don't like me and decided to send me back! I would surely get eaten!!!

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